
Shoot N Learn - February

Hey Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the Steeler's 6th Superbowl win!!! I know that I have :-)

This is the time of year where (if you live in Pittsburgh) it is easy to fall into "Seasonal Depression", because it is so darn gloomy out there. It takes a little extra effort to be motivated and to stay focused. I think it helps to surround yourself with positive people and great relationships to keep going.

I would love for this month's Shoot N Learn to be just that. Let's have a round table discussion about everything and anything - (photography related of course ;-) ). Would you please join us:

I really look forward to these gatherings! We will all take new things away from this meeting.

Also, please stay tuned for my first Full Day Workshop I will be announcing soon!

Of course I cannot complete a post without an image. I had the pleasure of Second Shooting for Beth McHenry this past weekend. We documented an intimate ceremony and of course enjoyed ourselves. Keep your eyes out for Beth, as you will be hearing a lot more about her...

I love the anticipation of the Bride, peaking over her Matron of Honor's shoulder.

Hope to see you there!


Visual Impact vs. Perfection

I read and interesting article this morning over at Chase Jarvis' Blog, focusing on Stock Photography. It got me thinking about pictures, in general.

What do you like about a picture? Is it the content, composition, shadows, highlights, emotion, perfection, noise (or lack of), the "effect", etc... ??

Think about it.

For me, sometimes it is the Imperfections that make it more pleasing and create a better visual impact.

Here is an example of one of my favorite photographs, I have made. I have a 20x30 canvas in my studio of this photograph. There are imperfections about this image (ie, the baby's head is cut off, LOL!), but I wouldn't change it for the world.

(Image captured in black and white, contrast and noise added in Post Production)


Any Google Apps/Apple Mail Experts out there?

I love Google Apps and use quite a few features of it. The biggest feature I use is the Email. All of our domain emails go through Google Apps so we can get all of the benefits of Gmail. We also use Apple's Mail client via IMAP to send and receive our emails. This has been working flawlessly for about 1 year.

Two days ago, I noticed that we had some new messages and an hour later they were gone, when using Apple Mail. I assumed that our accounts were hacked. I went into the Google Apps control and found the emails. They were moved from the "Inbox" to God knows where. I did an advanced search and set to "within 1 week from today". There were the missing emails. So I moved them back to the inbox. Fired up Apple Mail again, and they were not there! Go back to Google Apps mail and find them again. Move to inbox. Repeat. Same thing. Apple mail seems to move them somewhere when it connects via IMAP.

I have deleted the accounts on Apple Mail and recreated only to see the same issue happening. Works fine from the iPhone.

If anyone has any ideas please email me at davidburkephoto@gmail.com to make sure that I get it :-)

Thanks in advance!


Champions for the SIXTH Time!

Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers! We are all excited here in Pittsburgh. Winning aside, that was a fantastic Superbowl! Santonio Holmes' catch in the endzone was amazing! Big Ben is a winner and plays his best football when he is under the gun. Way to go Ben!

Here are links to download pdf versions of today's front pages (click on the pics):


Also a special shoutout to LaMarr Woodley for forcing Kurt Warner to fumble at the end of the game! That was the icing on the cake.


Bray in the snow.

Bridget and Bryleigh left for Florida this morning to visit Bridget's father. After we dropped them off at the airport, Brayden and I played in the snow for a bit and snapped a few shots. It was snowing so hard, that we had to go into the woods a bit, to get a good portrait of him. He is such a ham.

I shot all of these except the last image with off camera flash. I handheld my SB-800 (with diffuser attached) to high camera left.

My fav = This is Bray

I used High Speed FP Flash Sync (iso 200, f2.8, 1/640) on this one, to get a shallow depth of field. I also desaturated this in post production and added a slight blur around the edge.

Off to an exciting weekend with the boys. We are going to have some fun! Have a great weekend!

btw - Happy Birthday JLB (1/29/98)... We love and miss you!


Use your iPhone as a softbox.

A fun article on Strobist.com here: Is that a softbox in your pocket...?

Photojojo blogged about it too.

I am going to think of something fun to try. I will post results ;-)



I am not one for the cold weather, however I live in Pittsburgh, so I do not have a choice. When it snows, I make the choice to love it. There is something so beautiful, peaceful and perfect about snow. We have had some wild weather the past few days. This winter has been relatively mild, as have the past few. We are making up for it now. I have been working from my home office this week and am enjoying the view.

I took a lunch break and grabbed this shot from the back window. Not sure if the picture really does it justice. I think when the boys get up from their nap, we will go play in it. Then the pictures will be full of life!


Pittsburgh Makeup

If you are a bride looking for a fantastic makeup artist, meet Julie Marckisotto.

Julie is an amazing person as well as a makeup artist. We spent some time last week creating some head shots for her brand. We had an excellent time and really captured Julie's character. I think great head shots are very important for our business. Come to think of it, I need some new ones! First I better decide what I am going to do with my mop of a hair style right now. LOL.

I met Julie last year and can say that I am so happy that I did. She has been so great to Bridget and me. I am honored to help her take her business to new heights. She is getting ready to open her own studio for consultations and trial runs. Please look her up on the web if you would like to meet with her: Julie Marckisotto


Photojojo.com is a great site that posts about all things photo related. Mostly content focused on what you can do with your pictures. These projects keep you rolling so you do not become stagnant. It is written for all to understand.

When creating images digitally, especially for personal projects, it is easy to become complacent and just leave your images on the hard drive, never to be seen again. Projects on photojojo.com, encourage you to organize, cut the clutter and share your photos for all to see.

This weeks Photojojo is for all of the Shutterbug Kids out there. Check it out here.


iPhone and Inspiration

Two very important tools that I use are my iPhone and Inspiration. A friend of mine sent me a link to Strobist.com that connects the two nicely. (this article aside, if you do not have an iPhone, you are missing out!)

I love Strobist.com! It is a wonderful resource for DIY off camera lighting and simplification. It is proof that you do not need big, bulky, expensive lighting equipment with you all of the time. So if you are iPhone impaired and Strobist.com impaired, now you have no excuse, get busy! You will thank me later.

OK tying the iPhone and inspiration together. The article discusses using the iPhone to snap pictures of pictures, that inspire you (specifically the lighting) and keeping them with you on the phone to access easily. The author talks about using iPhoto to to organize and sync. I tweaked this method to use Lightroom instead (if you have questions, email me).

Here is a link to the article - Strobist: Keep a Lighting File

I think this is a great idea to have a Pocket Inspiration with you. In my home office I have a wall covered with magzine photos that inspire me. Here is a portion of my wall:

So, now when I am out browsing the magazine racks or books, I can take a snap if it inspires me and keep it with me. Give it a try. Happy Sunday!


Saving Images for the Web

Answering another question here.
Question: Why do my images look dull once I post them to my blog or website?

Here is an example of right vs. wrong.
This image was saved by the method above.

This was saved without the 'Document Color Profile' selected.

The difference is subtle, but the skin tones on the second image are a little pale. The top image looks just like it does when I open it in Photoshop.

Hope this helps!


Shoot N Learn - Recap (plus baby burke's first pic!)

Last night was another successful Shoot n Learn gathering. Our main topic for the evening was "Connecting with your Subject". We watched a few short video clips and then traded tips, tricks, etc.. It was an excellent discussion. I truly enjoy having everyone in for these. It has been such a great way to connect, share, learn and teach. We are all winners at the end of the night.

Our attendance is both professional, aspiring amateurs and just folks that want to make better photos! I applaud all of you for wanting to mingle and step up your game. I learn something every time we get together.

There is no such thing as a "dumb" or "naive" question. I was a beginner too and remember being intimidated by professionals. Mainly because the professionals were "grumpies" and not "love cats". I strive to be a "love cat". I still have questions and love to share. The only way to learn is to ask, study and take action. Making mistakes is a great way to learn ;-)

Since a few questions were asked last night, I wanted to share here because I know more of you out there have the same questions:
Question: What ISO do you use?
This depends on the situation and can be a very detailed response. ISO dictates how sensitive your digital sensor is to light. The HIGHER the number, the more sensitive it is to light. Also, the HIGHER the number means the colors, contrast, saturation, etc.. may become compromised. With the latest and greatest sensors, that decline in quality is less noticeable.
So my short answer to this question is: I use the LOWEST ISO Possible for the given situation. If I am outside on a Sunny Day, I am going to shoot at my camera's lowest ISO setting of 200. If I am at a reception I am typically between 800 and 1600 ISO.

Question: How do you change your exposure on your camera?
A digital exposure has 4 ingredients: ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, White Balance. A Digital SLR camera gives you the freedom to change each of these settings. This is what makes an SLR so special. You can control your exposure to achieve YOUR desired results. The key is understanding the relationship between these components and knowing how to change them on your camera. Shooting in MANUAL mode is the best way to learn, but it takes time and practice. I will have more on this at a later date for you.

Question: What is a Pocket Wizard?
A Pocket Wizard is a remote trigger for firing off camera flash or cameras. They are very cool and extremely useful. Their website can explain a lot better than I can. I use Plus II.

Hope this is useful to somebody out there ;-)

I can't post without a picture, so I will leave you with our first glimpse of Baby Burke:
Isn't He/She Lovely ;-) ?


Got Cold?

It is frigid today! This is a capture from my iPhone. Not a fan of the cold, but I am a fan of the Sun. At least it is shining!

Stay Warm!


Are you a left or right brain person?

I have seen this before, but thought it was worth posting here, in case YOU haven't seen it.

Look at the rotating image... Is it spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise? (Creativity comes from the Right side of the brain)

*If you look hard enough, apparently you can see it spin the other direction. No matter how hard I try, I can only see one way!*

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking


Commercial Photography - skinnyjeansforever.com

I have been doing some commercial photography lately and wanted to share a DVD cover that I shot for Nancy Griffin of SkinnyJeansForever.com. Nancy and I have worked together a few times, creating images for her branding and demonstration purposes.

The majority of the work we do has been in studio on white seamless paper. She will be using these images throughout her websites and newsletters demonstrating different exercises for her readers/clients.

Nancy is an amazing individual! She is Awesome at what she does and is really in tune with the body. She is an expert in Pilates and has many different training programs to offer, even for Golfers. If you are looking to tone up and get healthier, be sure to visit her site and contact her!


Getting Organized - Software Tip

Something that we always evaluate is organization. Systems and Organization are keys to running a successful business.

IMHO to be organized is to keep things simple. I love USEFUL software. One of my favorite pieces of software is Backpack.
What is backpack?
Backpack is a web-based service that makes organizing your information incredibly easy. Backpack lets you make pages which can contain any combination of notes, to-dos, images, files, etc. You can keep these pages to yourself or share them with colleagues, co-workers, friends, or family.

I use backpack as a mini-project management tool. I have a few template pages that are a series of note sections and to-do lists. We duplicate these pages and rename them for every project (ie shoot/wedding) we work on. It is a breeze to use and keeps us incredibly organized. We can see where we are in each project. When the project wraps, we simply email a copy of the page and then remove it from the list.

If you are looking to try something new for organization, give backpack a try! They offer a free version that allows you to create 5 pages. If you only have a few jobs at a time, this will be perfect for you.

Backpack: Get Organized and Collaborate

shoot n learn

shoot n learn january

Hey everyone! I am ready to kick off 2009 with this month's shoot n learn. I have been thinking about a lot of different things we can talk about. Lately, though the topic that has been on my mind the most is Connecting With Your Subject.

It's one thing to be technically savvy in the way we approach a photograph. Great Lighting, Correct Camera Settings, Memory Card with free space :-), Composition, Clothing, Setting, Temperature, etc.... The "tech" list goes on and on. I see many good photographs every week, however I think that these "good" photographs have the potential to be great! My photographs included, of course.

I wish I could create a great image/portrait with every snap of the shutter, but lets be real. It doesn't happen that easily. There is an ingredient that is often missing from a photograph: a connection.

I thought we could kick off the new year with discussing this essential ingredient. How are you connecting with your subjects? Whether you are creating portraits or shooting journalistically, this ingredient is VITAL.. Let's talk, share, shoot and learn and see if we can make it improve this for all of us!

Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new faces!

Here is the skinny:


Baby Ticker Widget

I came across this nifty widget that tracks a baby's growth. I found it at Widget Box. Once you register (it's free), you can customize it. This will be fun for our kids to watch so they can keep up with the progress and watch our little bambino grow. We are looking forward to the sonogram in two weeks to see the real progress. It is going to be so tempting to find out what we are having!


Getting to know me - Mini-Interview

My friend Elizabeth over at Craig Photography recently sent me some interview questions for some posts she will be putting on her blog. Firstly, I love being a part of this community! More and more people come out of the woodwork that are open, friendly and giving. That is what it is all about! Back in the day, most photographers I met were kind of snooty and tight lipped. I am glad to see this NEW trend taking over. Life is too short to be a grumpy!

Secondly, by answering these questions, I was able to relive some things and get all happy inside! Can't go wrong with that! I am going to keep this text around so when I get discouraged and down on myself, I can just read and remember why I do what I do. I hope you enjoy!

- How did you get into photography in general?
I had a camera in my hands since I was about 10 yrs old. It was a Kodak 110 to start with. I always enjoyed looking at photographs and taking pictures. I still go back to some of those pictures from way back when and remember what I was thinking and doing at those points in my life. Once I got older and understood life a little better, I thought, "What a great way to document time." I was then hooked. Growing up I loved Life Magazine photos and National Geographic. In my heart I think I always wanted to be a photographer, just never thought it would materialize. I am so happy do be doing what I love!

- Photographing Weddings?
This came about pretty naturally as well. I would get asked to take pictures of families and children and then one day I mentioned that I would like to photograph a wedding sometime. A DJ friend of mind called me one January evening and said, "My couple this weekend had their photographer bail on them. They asked me if I knew one and said, yes I will have him here for you." How could I say no to that? I DID!! Vehmently. I was like "Are you CRAZY? Photograph someone's wedding? I don't know what I am doing!!!!" Eventually he calmed me down and talked me into it. I did it, shooting with 35mm Film Cameras and Fuji NPH 400 Color Film ( which is now Fuji Pro 400H). Nervous? You better believe it! Scared? Heck ya! I was a nervous wreck until the proofs came back from the lab. Turned out they weren't too bad and the clients loved them. I then said... "NEVER AGAIN." The suspense was too stressful.

Fast Forward one year. My passion for photography grows and I get a Digital SLR - Nikon D100. I am asked again to photograph a wedding. I say, "Sure! (Did I just say that outloud??)" This time I shoot 50% Film and 50% Digital. I am now in love. I started on a journey working with a fellow photographer and quickly learned that I did not like to be the "Planner and Guide" for the day. I wanted to observe and document. I mean, formal shots are great and important but only a slice of the day. I want to document them, but not spend all day telling people where to go and what to do.

At this point, my wife, Bridget, said, "You need to do your own thing. Start your own business and shoot them the way you want." It was at that moment she encouraged me and gave me permission to pursue my dream of becoming a photographer. So one Sunday afternoon I cooked up a website, made cards and started telling everyone that I was a photographer. I would shoot anything for anyone. Over time, lots of mistakes and learning, I have focused more on weddings because that is what I truly love. There is so much going on, so much to be told, observed and documented. It is truly an honor to be the selected Historian for this day.

-What is your favorite piece of equipment and why?
Well I have two. My Nikon D3 and my Nikon 85 1.4 lens. One without the other doesn't work very well :-)

I love my D3 because it is a workhorse, built to last and is easy to use. it is so comfortable in my hands and the FX Sensor is amazing (even at ISO 6400). I never really need to go into a menu to make setting changes. Everything is right there on the body at my finger tips.

I love my 85 1.4 because it is razor sharp wide open, has amazing contrast, colors and saturation right out of the camera. This is my favorite portrait lens, first dance lens and candid lens. (I also love the 35 f2 and 50 1.4 :-) ) I am really cheating here!

-Do you have any other artistic outlets besides photography?
I love to SING. I play guitar, but only rhythms. I never had the patience to get fancy. I also feel better singing when I have a guitar. The guitar acts like a shield and keeps me from being so... um... naked. LOL. I have loved to sing since I was a kid. My wife is always telling me to "keep it down" because the kids are napping/sleeping all the time. Secretly though, she loves my singing. That is how she fell in love with me :-)

-Which photographers have influenced your work?
This is a great question. The list is long so I will focus on the biggest impacts. In our industry I would say Mike Colon, Denis Reggie & Joe Buissink first and foremost. Their influence of being a "story teller" instead of a "director" gave me the validation that it is a great way to photograph a wedding. Mike Colon's openness about his Faith had a big influence on me as well. I have learned a lot from him and am happy to call him a friend.

Outside of wedding photography would be Annie Leibovitz (especially her early journalism work) Henry Cartier Bresson, Richard Avedon, & Mario Testino.

-What advice would you give to a couple looking for a wedding photographer?
Make sure you like the photographer as a person. His/Her character and attitudes should be in touch with your own. Relationships are number one in this industry. If you do not feel comfortable with the person that will be with you for the majority of your wedding day, then look elsewhere. Whether he/she is an observer or a director, his/her vibe will be there all day. You will be able to tell in the images if you were comfortable or not.



I am a John Mayer fan. One song in particular, (Live Version) Daughters on the "Where the Light is" album, gets me every time. If you haven't heard it you can get it here on the iTunes store. Everything about the song is beautiful. Being a father to a daughter really makes it special.

Having a daughter is also a great reminder of the business I am in. I see fathers give their daughters away all the time. It is such a great moment. Bitter sweet. (yes, I am a softy and proud of it!) When I really dig in and think about this, the importance of my job is greatly enhanced. To be selected as the "Historian" of your day, is such a privilege. I am humbled and I thank you.

Amazing what music can do :-)

In spirit here is one of my favorite giving away moments (just captured).

And here are a few of my daughter! She makes me a better man for sure! (Of course my wife and sons do too!! LOL)


Brittany and Josiah - the Wedding

Friday January 2 kicked off our wedding year with Brittany and Josiah. This was a special wedding because, Brittany is our Pastor's daughter. It was an incredible honor for me to document this event. Everything was held at our church South Hills Bible Chapel and was coordinated beautifully.

Brittany made a stunning bride, as you will see in the slideshow. Josiah too, made a handsome groom. They are both very fit and love to run. (Gave me incentive to exercise more!)

Beth came along for this one a big thanks to her :-)

Brit and Si, we had a great time on Saturday and can't wait to show you all of the images. Enjoy your honeymoon!

Enjoy the show.