
shoot n learn

shoot n learn january

Hey everyone! I am ready to kick off 2009 with this month's shoot n learn. I have been thinking about a lot of different things we can talk about. Lately, though the topic that has been on my mind the most is Connecting With Your Subject.

It's one thing to be technically savvy in the way we approach a photograph. Great Lighting, Correct Camera Settings, Memory Card with free space :-), Composition, Clothing, Setting, Temperature, etc.... The "tech" list goes on and on. I see many good photographs every week, however I think that these "good" photographs have the potential to be great! My photographs included, of course.

I wish I could create a great image/portrait with every snap of the shutter, but lets be real. It doesn't happen that easily. There is an ingredient that is often missing from a photograph: a connection.

I thought we could kick off the new year with discussing this essential ingredient. How are you connecting with your subjects? Whether you are creating portraits or shooting journalistically, this ingredient is VITAL.. Let's talk, share, shoot and learn and see if we can make it improve this for all of us!

Looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new faces!

Here is the skinny:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi David! I plan on trying to attend ShootNLearn on the 20th (weather and road condition permitting). Currently our pipes are frozen and the roads are terrible. But I'm optimmistic!

Hope to see you!!
