
Shoot N Learn - February

Hey Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the Steeler's 6th Superbowl win!!! I know that I have :-)

This is the time of year where (if you live in Pittsburgh) it is easy to fall into "Seasonal Depression", because it is so darn gloomy out there. It takes a little extra effort to be motivated and to stay focused. I think it helps to surround yourself with positive people and great relationships to keep going.

I would love for this month's Shoot N Learn to be just that. Let's have a round table discussion about everything and anything - (photography related of course ;-) ). Would you please join us:

I really look forward to these gatherings! We will all take new things away from this meeting.

Also, please stay tuned for my first Full Day Workshop I will be announcing soon!

Of course I cannot complete a post without an image. I had the pleasure of Second Shooting for Beth McHenry this past weekend. We documented an intimate ceremony and of course enjoyed ourselves. Keep your eyes out for Beth, as you will be hearing a lot more about her...

I love the anticipation of the Bride, peaking over her Matron of Honor's shoulder.

Hope to see you there!


Armin DeFiesta said...

Cool shot! SNL is looking good for you bro! It won't be long when we'll be doing our own bus tour, lol!

David Burke said...

let's just hope nobody photoshops our bus into the Lake! :(

Tim said...

Wow... An amazing shot!!