Question: Why do my images look dull once I post them to my blog or website?
Once you dive into Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop or applications similar, it is easy to be overwhelmed with the "little details" of Photo Editing. Consistency between what you see in the application vs. what you see is pretty simple.
This question came from a Photoshop User, so I will address in Photoshop CS3 Terms (this is what I use). This question also leads me to believe that there is an issue when Saving the image for web use. Here is a good way to do it:
1. Open, Edit and Resize your image to taste.
2. Goto the Edit Menu, select "Convert to Profile" and Make Sure the Destination is 'sRGB IEC61966-2.1'. If the source already says 'sRGB IEC61966-2.1', then you can click cancel. (Web Browsers render sRGB well)
3. Goto File->Save For Web & Devices. In the top right corner, you will see a little arrow. Click this and make sure that Use Document Color Profile is selected.
4. Settings as Jpeg, Optimized, High, Quality = 60
5. Save the file in directory of your choice.
6. Upload and compare.
This should look pretty consistent for you now. Using Photoshop's Save For Web feature also creates a small file size and strips metadata that is not needed for viewing.
Here is an example of right vs. wrong.
This image was saved by the method above.
This was saved without the 'Document Color Profile' selected.
The difference is subtle, but the skin tones on the second image are a little pale. The top image looks just like it does when I open it in Photoshop.
Hope this helps!
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