
Shoot N Learn - Recap (plus baby burke's first pic!)

Last night was another successful Shoot n Learn gathering. Our main topic for the evening was "Connecting with your Subject". We watched a few short video clips and then traded tips, tricks, etc.. It was an excellent discussion. I truly enjoy having everyone in for these. It has been such a great way to connect, share, learn and teach. We are all winners at the end of the night.

Our attendance is both professional, aspiring amateurs and just folks that want to make better photos! I applaud all of you for wanting to mingle and step up your game. I learn something every time we get together.

There is no such thing as a "dumb" or "naive" question. I was a beginner too and remember being intimidated by professionals. Mainly because the professionals were "grumpies" and not "love cats". I strive to be a "love cat". I still have questions and love to share. The only way to learn is to ask, study and take action. Making mistakes is a great way to learn ;-)

Since a few questions were asked last night, I wanted to share here because I know more of you out there have the same questions:
Question: What ISO do you use?
This depends on the situation and can be a very detailed response. ISO dictates how sensitive your digital sensor is to light. The HIGHER the number, the more sensitive it is to light. Also, the HIGHER the number means the colors, contrast, saturation, etc.. may become compromised. With the latest and greatest sensors, that decline in quality is less noticeable.
So my short answer to this question is: I use the LOWEST ISO Possible for the given situation. If I am outside on a Sunny Day, I am going to shoot at my camera's lowest ISO setting of 200. If I am at a reception I am typically between 800 and 1600 ISO.

Question: How do you change your exposure on your camera?
A digital exposure has 4 ingredients: ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, White Balance. A Digital SLR camera gives you the freedom to change each of these settings. This is what makes an SLR so special. You can control your exposure to achieve YOUR desired results. The key is understanding the relationship between these components and knowing how to change them on your camera. Shooting in MANUAL mode is the best way to learn, but it takes time and practice. I will have more on this at a later date for you.

Question: What is a Pocket Wizard?
A Pocket Wizard is a remote trigger for firing off camera flash or cameras. They are very cool and extremely useful. Their website can explain a lot better than I can. I use Plus II.

Hope this is useful to somebody out there ;-)

I can't post without a picture, so I will leave you with our first glimpse of Baby Burke:
Isn't He/She Lovely ;-) ?


Peter Bang said...

how exciting man!!

DCM Photography said...

You and your wife are baby making machines! Congrats!

mike steelman said...

Lovin it! :)