

I am a John Mayer fan. One song in particular, (Live Version) Daughters on the "Where the Light is" album, gets me every time. If you haven't heard it you can get it here on the iTunes store. Everything about the song is beautiful. Being a father to a daughter really makes it special.

Having a daughter is also a great reminder of the business I am in. I see fathers give their daughters away all the time. It is such a great moment. Bitter sweet. (yes, I am a softy and proud of it!) When I really dig in and think about this, the importance of my job is greatly enhanced. To be selected as the "Historian" of your day, is such a privilege. I am humbled and I thank you.

Amazing what music can do :-)

In spirit here is one of my favorite giving away moments (just captured).

And here are a few of my daughter! She makes me a better man for sure! (Of course my wife and sons do too!! LOL)


Armin DeFiesta said...

Good post DB, it's so true. Good song too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! I love Ron's face! It's so telling!
Can I book you for my boys' weddings in a decade and a half or so? I don't know if my future daughters-in-law will care, but if I had my choice...

Justin Bowers said...

Dude. Wow. Great post from a phenomenal photographer.

Anonymous said...

You know this connection is a big one for me, and all of your shots of my dad and I at the wedding are so special to me! Your little one is such a cutie!

Erin Harvey said...

DB I meant to leave that comment in particular on your last wedding, that giving away shot was SO full of emotion. Definitely made me smile. =)

Girl Raised in the South said...

Beautiful stuff - where were you when our daughters were getting married?