
Mike Colòn Workshop Pics

Hey all stop over to Mike Colòn's Blog to see some wonderful photographs captured by the attendees.

If you are a photographer, I cannot stress enough how important it is to invest into education and experiences. Workshops like this really open up many new doors and get you thinking like you never thought you could. The people you meet, learning , teaching (helping others), group interaction, fun, challenges, etc... are all priceless. You should make it a goal to attend 1 - 2 workshops a year. I would like to attend 1 per quarter. I LOVE to learn! I think when you get to a point where you think you know it all, you may as well hang it up and find something else to do. Always be open to learning. Another very rewarding aspect of workshops is that you may find in yourself that you can teach/help as well. As individuals, we all have strengths and weaknesses. It is a great feeling when you can help somebody else in an area where they may be struggling, but you may have it under control. Helping others brings me more joy than anything.

So, make it a priority to find a workshop that is a good fit for you and commit to it. You will not be disappointed.

I hope this advice helps you!


kennykimdotcom said...

That photo just shows the dynamics of the group. I can't wait to meet some of them at WPPI.

.:tomas flint:. said...

you're a good man, david burke. looking forward to vegas...rock on!!