Here are a few pics of me using the bazooka (Thanks for giving me the first try for free Mike! hahaha Nikon Loves when you have these workshops!)
Image by Mike Colón
Image by Melissa Rich
Here is one of me shooting on the beach:
Image by Melissa Rich
This is one of Brittany Gebler, one of our beautiful models. Brittany is also a photographer attending Brook's Institute. Brittany helped us out sooo much during the week. She modeled at the beach, on the streets of Laguna and even jumped in the pool with her dress on! It was a blast. Thanks Brittany!! We started shooting her next to this Ferrari and the owner walked over and said, 'Would you like to get in?' This car was insane! Don't you love how she just Pops out of the image? The background goes milky... I love that! I shot this with the 200, 2.0 @ 1600/sec.
I'm scared to find out how much this lens costs - there's not something like that for canon with that kind of zoom. :-(
hehe....great shot! :)
hope all is well with you and your sweet wife! :)
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