
David Burke - The Chef

When I first tried to register davidburke.com, it was already taken. At first I was kind of bummed. The domain was parked. Once in a while, I would check and one day it talked about David Burke the chef. Apparently, this David Burke Chef has done VERY well for himself! He is opening up restaurants all over. Check him out David Burke the Chef. Go David Burke the Chef!! I am happy the domain is going to wonderful use.

He has a new restaurant opening at the Venetian in Las Vegas. So this evening I received an email from Mike Colón's mobile phone. He said that he was impressed I was opening a new restaurant at the Venetian and that I was a man of many talents! He attached the picture below from his camera phone. hahaha This is a great way to get my name (our name) out there huh??? Thanks Mike!


J.T. Campbell, Jr. said...

Good thing D.B. the Chef is a stakehouse man--it wouldn't have been as cool if he was the world's greatest tofu chef.

.:tomas flint:. said...

now that's fantastic. you are talented beyond comprehension. modern american cuisine?? is that like grilled cheese and steak-ums??

apeterson said...

You should be able to hook us a table in a few weeks. Work those connections.