
Corey McNabb

Slowly but surely I am posting about all of my new friends I made at the Mike Colón workshop.
Meet Corey McNabb! He is a great guy and a fabulous photographer. He resides in Asheville, NC. Corey and I met online through Mike's blog before the workshop. It was great to exchange some emails before we got there. It gave us both a chance to know someone before we arrived. hahaha

Corey recently won a bunch of awards with the WPJA. He is now a Gold Medallion Winner! Congratulations Corey!!

Check him out at Corey's Blog .

A serious pose:

The REAL Corey: :-)


Corey McNabb said...

Thanks David!

The gang here agrees that the second shot looks way less gay than I felt when I was actually jumping!

Looking forward to seeing you again in Vegas....my wife says you need to help keep me away from the tables! (She's probably right)


Melissa Rich said...

That is so funny!!!! I think I just laughed myself to tears!!!

apeterson said...

That's the Corey I know. Enough said.