
Update from David

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that I am still alive! Just been extremely busy traveling and shooting. Lots to catch up on and blog about. We are working on a bunch of new things and look forward to sharing. First and foremost, our new portfolio site that I feel really works well with our style.

Last week I was in Atlanta for business and while there I also spent a few days with Denis Reggie and a great bunch of photographers. Denis had us to his home for his 'Conclave' which was just fantastic. In case you do not know him, he is the Godfather of wedding photojournalism. His ability to share, teach and connect is wonderful. I am so thankful that I had this opportunity. Thanks to Denis and his staff!

Hope you all are doing well and look forward to posting soon!

1 comment:

Armin DeFiesta said...

Sweet, can't wait to see the new updates. That's awesome you spent time at the Conclave!