
Photo Tip - Lenses

I often get asked "What Camera Should I Buy?". A better question is about "What Lenses?". The big issue here is budget. Buy the best you can afford. What if you only have $300? What if you have $5,000 to spend?

I put together a quick video to help shed some light for you.

A few things I want to make note of. If you own the Nikon D40(x) or D60 be careful on purchasing lenses. They must be Nikon AF-S lenses because the Nikon D40(x) or D60 lack a focus motor. This means that if you buy the Nikon 50 1.4 AF lens and put it on your Nikon D60, you will only be able to focus in Manual Mode. The D50, D70, D80, D90, D100, D200, D300, D700, etc... can use any lens. The good news is that you can pick up a used Nikon D70 on Ebay for around $250 - $300! Just because it is older does not mean it makes bad photos.

Also Prime lenses range from $100 to Thousands of $$. Obviously the more you spend, the better the lense. However, YOU can create great images with them all!

B&H Link to some options

Good Luck!


kennykimdotcom said...

Sweet! You are the man DBurke! :) This clip will be awesome in bschool. :)

Erin Harvey said...

Canon makes some great cameras and lenses too. =P Keep rockin' DB.

Pauline said...

A lot of information wrapped up in a concise little video! YOU ROCK!

Peter Bang said...

great job DB!

Riz Photographer said...

thanks for the awesome tip!