
Pocket Wizard Plus II - A Testimonial

I was about to write a testimonial about Pocket Wizard PLUS II Transceivers but decided to post a quick video instead. Check it out!

I purchase my Pocket Wizards from B&H Photo/Video

David Burke Photographers - Pocket Wizard PLUS II Transceivers


Armin DeFiesta said...

PWs rock!!

Peter Bang said...

i love mine!

Amanda said...

OH SNAP! That's one of those moments with like the silent open mouth scream - (Like when you stub your toe on the coffee table at 2 am). You just want to "NOOOO" but you know you can't catch it time.

Glad it's still working - nothing beats good equipment. I think twice now I've been irresponsibly carrying my camera sitting on the passenget seat of the car while driving. (I have a bag for it - but between wedding and reception sometimes its a nascar race. At least twice now I've had to stop quick and the whole darn thing flew off the seat and landed on the floorboard and I'm cursing in traffic thinking it's all ruined. That's one good selling feature - the good stuff can take a beating and keep on going. See you at SNL.