
Winding Down

Now that wedding season is winding down (we have 2 more this year), we have been very busy, planning for next year. It is nice to reflect on the year and see where our short-comings and achievements were. We have learned SO much this year and continue to learn daily. We absolutely love what we are doing and where we are going. We are so thankful for so many things. We are also busy designing wedding albums, storybooks and Christmas cards. Wow, I can't believe it is already Christmas Season! It reminds me of my favorite Christmas song 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!' performed by Andy Williams. If you have never heard it, get it at the iTunes store Here! This song brings back sooooo many memories. It is awesome!

Speaking of Christmas season we can also talk about cooler weather. Check out Bray's new Knit Hat!

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