
Pic of the week

Have I ever mentioned how much I love photographs?? haha. Sticking with my Weekly Favorite, I found something a little different to post today.

I was at my father's house this evening and came across this picture of my Great Grandparents, Joseph and Hazel Shafer. Better known as Ma and PapPap Shafer. I never had the opportunity to meet them, because they passed away years before I was born, but I have heard enough wonderful stories about them to make me feel like I know them. When you look at the picture below, you will probably get that feeling too. My father tells me that Ma had more faith than anyone he ever met. He has many fond memories of them both. PapPap worked for the US Post Office and was also a cartoon artist on the side. My grandmother still has some of his creations. Priceless pieces from the past.

When I was growing up, I saw many pictures of them and heard stories, because I would ask questions. This one picture though, has always stood out in my mind. Whenever I hear their names or think of them, this picture comes to mind. I wanted to bring it home and scan it, so that I could restore it a bit and reprint it on archival paper. I want this picture to stay around as long as possible. When I look at the picture, it just makes me smile!

The funniest thing about this picture is that I always thought that they were in a real boat! Their expressions make the image seem so real, don't ya think?

Meet Ma and PapPap Shafer

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