
Liz and Jim

What a great weekend we have had! A long weekend at that. We have had our family in from out of town and have been doing a lot of Eating... That is about it. haha.. It sure does seem like it though.

Saturday we had the bonus of shooting the wedding of Liz and Jim. The ceremony took place in Southside at the Calvary Episcopal Church. The architecture of this church is amazing. I would love to go back sometime and just shoot more images of the church. This was the first wedding, that I was told... 'No Pictures during the ceremony.' Zero. Zip. Nada. No Processional pictures and no flash at any time... I love a challenge though!!

It wasn't as bad as it sounds. We were aloud to be in the back of the church, before hand so we have some nice Pre-Processional shots and we were able to stand in the west balcony and grab a few shots during the ceremony. We made it work and the images are awesome. After the ceremony we hit the Pillars at Carnegie Mellon, PPG Place where the Christmas Tree is and then hit the West End Overlook. Our final destination was the LeMont on Mt. Washington... This wedding was First Class all the way! Liz and Jim were awesome!! We wish we could hang out with them more often. Everyone was so welcoming and loving to Bridget and I. We were treated as one of the guests. Thank you all so much!

The reception was intimate and absolutely gorgeous. The sky was clear and the lights of the city were shining brightly. There was a violinist during dinner, which is always so classy. The entertainment was elegant as well. The day ran flawlessly and everyone was so happy.

We just want to thank Liz and Jim for trusting us with their day! You guys are awesome and we wish you many years of love and happiness. God Bless!

PS - The Filet was out of this world!!! Thanks Guys!! (So was the cake :-) )

Here are a few shots:
The Church

The Groom

Getting Ready

On the way into the church

The Boys

Fun Lovin

Market Square

The Bride

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