
Visual Impact vs. Perfection

I read and interesting article this morning over at Chase Jarvis' Blog, focusing on Stock Photography. It got me thinking about pictures, in general.

What do you like about a picture? Is it the content, composition, shadows, highlights, emotion, perfection, noise (or lack of), the "effect", etc... ??

Think about it.

For me, sometimes it is the Imperfections that make it more pleasing and create a better visual impact.

Here is an example of one of my favorite photographs, I have made. I have a 20x30 canvas in my studio of this photograph. There are imperfections about this image (ie, the baby's head is cut off, LOL!), but I wouldn't change it for the world.

(Image captured in black and white, contrast and noise added in Post Production)


Tony Spinelli Photography said...

Sweet photo David! I love it. This is the 1st time I checked out your blog and it happens that I posted a yawning baby photo yesterday!

Armin DeFiesta said...

That's a great image!! It says a lot in one shot. I think that's what makes a kick butt photo like this one.

Teresa Romano said...

wow! this one is really great!