
Shoot N Learn - December - POSTPONED!

I hate to postpone the Shoot N Learn at the last minute, however due to my workload and priorities, I have no choice. I will reschedule and post soon for after the New Year. We can start Fresh and catch up! I have been thinking a lot about future SNL's and have a lot of ideas to share. I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season!

In the meantime, here is an objective for you. Commit to shooting with a different camera a few times over the Holidays. A point n shoot digital, Film camera, Polaroid, Holga, etc... Try it. It is so much fun and can reignite creativity and ideas. I have been using my little Nikon Coolpix L18 that I picked up for $100 at Target (over the summer). I am also going to pick up some polaroid film before it is all gone and take some with my polaroid as well. I have been shooting with my iPhone camera too. It really pushes you to get a good exposure!

Here is one of my recent favs with my point n shoot.

And one from the iPhone

I want to see pics too. Upload them to my Facebook group David Burke Photographers and share.

1 comment:

Erin Harvey said...

What a fun idea DB! My hubby got me an Xmas present that arrived early and it's a new point and shoot, so I'm excited to put it to good use over the holidays and for travel. Great shots you got!