When LaMarr walked in, he said, "What's up David?" I said, "Hi LaMarr. I figured we would be about the same size..." Insert Laughs here! He smiled and said, "Same size, huh?".. It was a good ice breaker. LaMarr is every bit of 6'2" and 265 lbs. Pounds of Muscle that is. Giant.
LaMarr Woodley is one of the hottest Linebackers in the NFL and was named NFL Defensive Player of the week for Week 7 this year. He also had an incredible college career with The University of Michigan. He is such a personable man and photographs extremely well. Working with LaMarr and Carmella was a joy and I look forward to working with them again in the future.
Here is one of my favorite images we created. This image is used with LaMarr's permission.
Keep your eyes out for LaMarr, he is doing great things!
David Burke Photographer Pittsburgh Steelers LaMarr Woodley
awesome bro. this is so good for your marketing. happy for you. see you next week!
Awesome gig bro! Great shot!
yeah dburke! you go brotha!
DUDE!!! So awesome! Great image!
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