
Cabo San Lucas - Day 1

Kenny and I are in Cabo San Lucas enjoying the wedding festivities of Courtney and Danny. First I have to say what a wonderful couple they are! This is the first time we have met and they have made us feel as though we were friends forever. We shot for 2 days before the wedding and shot the wedding yesterday... I will blog more on this once I return home. One word = Awesome.

The wireless connection in our hotel is hit or miss, so I have been unable to blog as of yet. Kenny was able to, so you can check out his blog.

So now that I can finally post a few, Here are some from the first day/night. It was a "Welcome to Cabo" party that Courtney and Danny planned for early arriving guests. It was so gracious.


Meet the couple (wait until you see the wedding images!)


Armin DeFiesta said...

Cool man, can't wait to see the rest.

Shane Melenbacker said...

Looks like a blast and nice shots, looking forward to the rest!