
Courtney and Danny - The Wedding

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! It is hard to imagine that 2008 is almost finished!!! I hope you all had great day and a great night sleep after your Turkey induced Coma.

Onto the wedding of Courtney and Danny in Los Cabos, Mexico. I got connected to Danny and Courtney through my sister-in-law and her husband, Brooke and Michael (Thanks guys!). Kenny Kim (Kenny you are awesome! Thank you for all of your help and wonderful images. Goodtimes as usuals!) and I had a such a wonderful adventure to Mexico last week. We photographed for 3 days straight and can tell you that there was never a dull moment. The people, the surroundings, the music (man the music! I have to score some of those playlists!!), the details.... It was so much fun. Immediately we felt loved and part of the bunch. Everyone was so gracious and welcoming to us. There was a Welcome Party, Pre-Rehearsal Afternoon Party, Rehearsal Dinner Party and the Wedding Day. I don't think anyone stopped smiling the whole time.

So thank you Courtney, Danny, Family and Friends for creating such wonderful experience for us to document. We can't wait to share the images with you. In the meantime, here are a few from the wedding day. I also want to give thanks to Sergio and his team at Cabo Azul. If you want to have a destination wedding in Cabo, do not hesitate to contact Sergio.

While the girls were getting ready, the guys played Volleyball.

A shot of the resort from the other side of the infinity pool.

The dress and shoes

Courtney getting her hair ready

Danny and Daylen chillaxing.

The veil

Finishing touches with the suit.

First Kiss

Little stroll on the beach, post ceremony

The Horse... (I have behind the scene footage of Kenny here! LOL)

Little off camera lighting look

The sky was gorgeous for this silhouette

David Burke Photographer - Wedding Los Cabos - Cabo San Lucas Wedding


Cabo San Lucas - Day 1

Kenny and I are in Cabo San Lucas enjoying the wedding festivities of Courtney and Danny. First I have to say what a wonderful couple they are! This is the first time we have met and they have made us feel as though we were friends forever. We shot for 2 days before the wedding and shot the wedding yesterday... I will blog more on this once I return home. One word = Awesome.

The wireless connection in our hotel is hit or miss, so I have been unable to blog as of yet. Kenny was able to, so you can check out his blog.

So now that I can finally post a few, Here are some from the first day/night. It was a "Welcome to Cabo" party that Courtney and Danny planned for early arriving guests. It was so gracious.


Meet the couple (wait until you see the wedding images!)


Bryleigh - 1 Year

Well Bryleigh will officially be one year old on November 21, 2008, so I am a bit premature with this post... Since I will be out of town for her actual birthday I wanted to post now.

To say it was a great year would be an understatement. We have been blessed with the sweetest little girl. She is so calm and happy. There may have been 1 or 2 days throughout the whole year where she wasn't her typical smiling self. Even when she had a 105 degree fever (due to a UTI), she was smiling. We all love her sooooo much :-)!

Having a daughter has definitely changed me, for the better of course... Having boys has been a wonderful experience, but having a daughter has been extra special. Firstly, we found the name Brylee, but decided to change 'lee' to 'leigh' to honor the memory of my first daughter, Jourdan Leigh. Secondly, having a daughter has made me want to be a better man. It want to be an example of the man I would like her to be with someday. It is so easy to sit back and be worried/concerned for her future, but I am choosing to be a better example instead. Easier said than done somedays!! I know I am not perfect and have my shortcomings but I sure am making the best of it.

With that being said, I just want to wish Bryleigh Teresa Burke a Happy 1st Birthday!! Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives. Thank you to Bridget (Mommy) and her 3 big brothers, Damon, Christian and Brayden. We all love you so much! Just think, next year at this time YOU will be a big sister too!! We love you baby girl!!!

Bryleigh at birth...

Bryleigh at 1 year....

**About the 1 year picture - I made this portrait yesterday 11/16/08 and decided to mess with Photoshop a bit. This image is way out of my comfort zone, but I am liking it. It is very rare that I extensively edit an image, but I think it is important to try new things and grow. Not sure if I will do any more like this soon, but it sure was fun! Hope you like it!**

Brittany and Josiah

Brittany and Josiah are getting married this January! We met at Peters Lake (which is where Josiah proposed to Brittany) for an engagement session. These two smiled and laughed the whole time! They are so comfortable with each other. I always enjoy watching couples interact on an engagement shoot. It is a great indication of how they will be on their wedding day. I am really looking forward to this January wedding! I am positive that it will be a beautiful day and we will have a lot of fun. Stay tuned for some wedding images...

In the meantime here are a few from the engagement shoot:


Shoot N Learn - December & Miscellaneous

Hey all! So we are mid November and I realize that I am not going to be able to have a SNL this month :( The good news is that we have been extremely busy/productive here and things are going great. I have also scheduled the next Shoot N Learn for Tuesday December 9, 2008, 6PM @ my studio. We will be SHOOTING this time! We will work in the studio, shoot, learn & have fun. Sound good? I hope to see you all there!!

In other news we have been shooting like crazy, editing, doing albums etc... Please bear with us if you are on our list.. We are getting to you soon ;-) We have experienced some growth lately and have been granted some incredible opportunities. Life is Good! I am headed to Cabo next week to shoot a wedding and am bringing along my good friend/photographer, Kenny Kim. Good Times for sure!

Home has been fun! Bryleigh will be 1 next week! I cannot believe it. She is so stinking cute! She smiles, 24/7. She is so smart and tries so hard to have a conversation. She will sit with me and just hang out for hours. She really loves her 3 older brothers too (and of course Mommy!). Each time one of us walk in a room, she lights up like a Christmas tree with Joy. She reminds me of how WE need to be. Much like the behavior of a dog that is unconditionally happy to see his owner, always! Please keep Bridget in your thoughts and prayers as she has not been feeling very well this first trimester. Hopefully she will be out of the sick days soon and be her happy self again. We love her no matter what! She is my hero for being able to maintain a household, keep the kids in line, keep ME in line all the while being sick constantly. I am the luckiest man around!

The more I think about having 5 children, the more excited I get. Each day I learn what is "Really" important and things that "Really aren't" important. Lots of fun.

OK, sorry for the tangent there. I need to blog more. I need about 24 extra hours a day. Thanks for letting me chat for a minute!

Can't post without a picture. Here is one from a recent family session.


LaMarr Woodley #56 Pittsburgh Steelers

I recently had the distinct pleasure to work with LaMarr Woodley of the Pittsburgh Steelers and his publicist Carmella Rackham of 5000 public relations in New York City.

When LaMarr walked in, he said, "What's up David?" I said, "Hi LaMarr. I figured we would be about the same size..." Insert Laughs here! He smiled and said, "Same size, huh?".. It was a good ice breaker. LaMarr is every bit of 6'2" and 265 lbs. Pounds of Muscle that is. Giant.

LaMarr Woodley is one of the hottest Linebackers in the NFL and was named NFL Defensive Player of the week for Week 7 this year. He also had an incredible college career with The University of Michigan. He is such a personable man and photographs extremely well. Working with LaMarr and Carmella was a joy and I look forward to working with them again in the future.

Here is one of my favorite images we created. This image is used with LaMarr's permission.

Keep your eyes out for LaMarr, he is doing great things!

David Burke Photographer Pittsburgh Steelers LaMarr Woodley


Shooting Lots

I have been shooting a lot lately and enjoying it tremendously. I have been working with such wonderful people. I am sooo far behind on blogging these shoots, but I wanted to drop a few recent images (that are a little different than what I normally shoot) and say Hello... So... 'Hello World!' Please tell me what you think!



My Favorite Girls

My two favorite girls!

Hmm.. could be three I guess ;-). In case you haven't heard we are expecting again! We are so excited and will gladly accept boy or girl.

We spent the past two days in West Virginia and it was beautiful. Peaceful. I grabbed this shot as we we went to the creek to catch some crawfish. Bryleigh is such a cuddly girl. She loves to be close to Mom and me. Bridget says that she is a Daddy's girl. I think I agree, but nobody ever takes pictures of it. LOL.