
New Portfolio site.

Hi All,
I have a new Portfolio site that I am excited to share with you. I had not updated my main website in such a long time, because it was so cumbersome to update. I finally found a great solution to host my portfolio and could not be happier! It is so easy to update, so I will update often! I promise!

The actual site is hosted at http://davidburkephotographers.com but is accessible from http://davidburkephoto.com by clicking on Portfolio. I want all of my sites to be accessible from my main domain of davidburkephoto.com. It is still a work in progress, but we are getting there!

This new Portfolio will showcase my Wedding and Engagement work only. I may launch another site in the near future to showcase my other work. Since Documentary Weddings are my primary focus, they need to be separate.

Since my goal as a Wedding Photographer is to be Real, Classic & Timeless, it was important that my site be clean and simple. I did not want anything too flashy. I also decided not to use music. I always find myself turning the music off when I visit websites. What do you do? I would love to know. If you like music on sites, please do tell ;-)

I am working a lot on my brand and have a lot of things coming down the pipe so that I can continue serving my clients with the best of me. I look forward to sharing!


Peter Bang said...

dude! i really like clean and simple look of the portfolio site. i have mixed feelings about music on sites and i def. turn it off when i visit sites, unless it's dburke singing bon jovi!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful I have a song still, but I always turn everyone else's songs off.

Did you design this site or buy a template or hire a designer?

Pauline said...

David, I checked out your new portfolio, and there were two words that came to mind as soon as I saw it... FENG SHUI!!! Once again, YOU ROCK!

Rob said...

It's not news that I'm a fan of David Burke. Great photography and a nice minimalist feeling Web site. I like it.

Curious to know if you track stats and if you have any kind of SEO interests. Entire Flash sites are awesome. They look and feel good, but sometimes can be coming up short in the Search Engine arena. We can talk when we get together next! :)

Alex Rodriguez said...


Erin Harvey said...

Great stuff DB! I do find myself turning off the music for mostly every site I go to. There is a rare occasion that I'll enjoy the music enough to leave it on. There are just too many different opinions out there.

Anonymous said...

Nice site, buddy! I too agree with the whole music thing- I think having a clean, simple website is very elegant. Another Denis Reggie inspiration, huh? LOL

There is indeed so much noise volume out there today in radio, TV, and the web and I think it's refreshing to visit a site that's silent...ahh...did you hear that? I didn't... :)