
A few newborns!

Babies abound! I have been shooting a lot of newborns lately and have enjoyed it tremendously. Two of note that I would like to share with you involve some new clients and some older clients.

First the new clients. Heather and Matt were referred to me through a previous client (Thank you Mary Ellen!), when they were looking for maternity images. I had the opportunity to meet them and shoot the maternity session, two weeks before baby A was born. Baby A is here now and he is beautiful!

Heather and Matt before Baby ;-)

Baby A

I love his little lips!

Secondly, My wedding clients, Karen and Ray, recently welcomed baby E into this world and could not be happier. It is such an honor to watch my clients and their families grow. As you can see Baby E is beautiful!

Baby E = Precious

The Family

I have said it before and I will say it again. Newborns are so much fun to photograph! I think there is something in the water lately.... I know a lot of pregnant women out there ;-) Please give us a call when you are ready for some pictures!

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