
Shoot and Learn #3 - Off Camera Lighting

**Update - THIS SHOOT N LEARN IS FULL - Please check back for the next one**We are having our 3rd Shoot and Learn Next Tuesday August 12, 2008 @ 6:00 PM here at our studio. The topic of discussion will be:

"Off Camera Lighting" - You have more options!

I will do a mini-presentation covering the concepts followed by us moving to the alleyway for some shooting. All you need to bring is your beautiful self and a camera! I will have the light setup and Pocket Wizards for you all to share. Please email me and let me know if you will be attending with "Shoot N Learn" in the subject line.

I am really looking forward to this one and hope to see you all here!

Here is an example of Available Light vs. On Camera Flash vs. Off Camera Flash. Thanks to Beth for modeling ;-)


Beth said...

I don't know if I would call that modeling! lol. See ya tuesday ;)

kennykimdotcom said...

next time I would like to see mr. burke himself model. Thank you.

Peter Bang said...

on camera flash rules! haha!