
My New Friend - Riz

This morning I had the pleasure meeting Riz Crescini. Riz found me on Facebook, via our common connection to Kenny Kim. How cool is that? Riz has been living in Japan for the last 9 years with his wife and 2 daughters, educating students in the English Language. He also has a ministry and is looking to incorporate Photography into it.

I always love meeting new friends and especially when we have common interests ;-) We talked shop quite a bit and learned about each other. It is neat to discover how many things we had in common. I hope that I shed some useful light for him! Riz promised to keep in touch and let me know of his progress.

Riz it was awesome meeting you. Maybe someday we will get together with Kenny Kim too! God Bless Bro.

Here he is in his Cubs Glory (Cubs are in town beating the Pirates):

1 comment:

kennykimdotcom said...

dude small world! holy cow. :)