We had a great time going over the basics of a Lightroom workflow. One attendee shouted "You are changing my life!" :-) It was awesome to see the lightbulbs going off. Heather showed us some of the new features in Lightroom 2.0 Beta. For me, I am thinking that Photoshop is going to be a thing of the past. Only to be used for Very detailed retouching (that does not happen too often). LR 2.0 is going to be THE BEST software for a photographer. Amen.
We are working on Shoot n Learn #3 and it looks like we are going to hone in on using Off Camera Lighting with One (1) Light. I attended a great workshop last fall called the OneLight Workshop and it blew me away. Zack Arias is extremely talented with lighting techniques. I am putting together a VERY condensed version that will give you a head start when using off camera lighting. Stay tuned for details. Here are a few snaps from Tuesday. We need to start videoing! Any videographers out there want to volunteer??? LOL
She's just gonna have to come back! Sorry I missed it, but I have a wonderful excuse as you know!!
Dude, is that digital? :-)
Thanks for a great workshop! I can't wait to come back for the next one! The new studio looks great. Heather is a guru, I hope she does an advanced photoshop clas I can sign up for in the future.
As I sit here toiling away in photoshop color correcting spending like 20 minutes fiddling with each image - recalling how magical it was that heather could click 2 places and then sink all the images together... I will SO be getting the new lightroom. I just hope it comes out soon before i go crazy.
Thanks again and keep in touch!
your studio is starting to look nice! :) I'm not sure if I can amake it to your grand opening party but Kenny Nakai and I were thinking about making a trip out there soon. See you in Philly!
Grand opening party? Cool bro! I'm gonna have to check out LR 2.0!
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