

I recently discovered a great website, Pandora. I am probably late to the party, because I think it has been around for a while, but never the less, it is awesome. You create an account and then you can create multiple "stations" based on an artist name. For instance I entered "Nirvana" and it started playing Nirvana and bands like Nirvana. So cool :-) I have since created a bunch of stations and then use the "Quick Mix" feature to mix all of the stations together. It is great to have while I am working at the computer or need music to play throughout the studio. Best of all it is "Free". How cool is that?

So if you haven't tried it, check it out! Pandora.com

Back to work now.... Frank Sinatra is serenading me at the moment!

1 comment:

Kerri McConnell Photography said...

pandora rocks! i listen to it just about all day!!! :)