
Studio Grand Opening!!!

Hi Everyone!

This Thursday July 3, 2008 we are having our Studio Grand Opening! We are so excited to make it official! We have been working hard to put this together and it is wonderful to see it finally come together.

*Intentionally Blurred Images*

We are having a grand opening open house party 7/3/2008 from 5PM to 10PM. We are expecting a great turn out and would love for you to stop in and say Hello! We will be serving Light hors d' oeuvres, featuring Authentic Mexican from Los Chiludos Mexican Restaurant, the most wonderful meats from the one and only Parma Sausage in the strip district, as well as others. We will have Champagne, Red Wine and refreshments.

We will have some light acoustic live music from the band 'Soul Anatomy' which includes two of my good friends Justin & Mark.

To top things off we are having a fund raiser for the Pregnancy Resource Center of the South Hills that will consist of a Chinese Auction for a Gift Basket filled with Goodies from local vendors and also includes a Black iPod Classic!! (I love my iPods!)

We are hoping to raise a generous amount of money for the PRC. The PRC is a wonderful organization consisting of many volunteers to "bring the word of life to every client, trusting in the power of God to restore the promise of hope and a future." The PRC is very close to Bridget's and my heart. We hope it will be a huge success for them!

So If you can, please stop by and wear Black and White (Casual!) attire to support the studio ;-)!!
We are here:

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Family Session

Still playing Blog Catch up!

I shot a beautiful family a few weeks ago at a local park. 3 beautiful children along with a beautiful mom & dad! It was a HOT morning, but we had a great location and were having lots of fun! Sadly for us, this family is moving away :-( It is great news for them because they have a wonderful opportunity ahead of them. We will miss them!

Enjoy a few images from the shoot:


Have a great weekend!

We are busy getting ready for our Grand Opening at the studio, Next week! I will post more on Monday. Needless to say we are sooooo excited! We hope to see many of you here. It looks like we are going to have A LOT of people visiting for our Open House! We can't wait.

Here is a quickie of Bryleigh from yesterday. Have a great weekend!


Adrienne and Chris - Wedding

I just got home from a fantastic wedding! You will remember Adrienne and Chris from their engagement session. Today was their wedding and it was beautifully planned. It was also executed without a hitch.

Today I had Beth and Kristen with me to assist/shoot. We had so much fun :-)

I met Adrienne and Chris through Rebekah and Ryan (married October 13, 2007) so I knew it would be a great wedding. Their families are wonderful. It is so nice to see the love and connections with them. It was a joy to see so many familiar faces again.

The wedding ceremony took place at Ruthfred Luthern and the reception was at Southpointe Golf Club. We made a quick stop on the course to take some photos and have some fun. It definitely paid off.

Thank you Adrienne and Chris for such a wonderful time! Enjoy the honeymoon and we will talk when you get back!

Enjoy the images.
Love this shot on the way to some formals

Adrienne is so elegant!

Chris is cool :-)

Rings with the Macro

Adrienne's Uncle walked her down the aisle

Candid from Beth!

Candid from Kristen!

Kristen saw these Good Times! (This is for you Kenny Kim!)

Clean. Simple. Portrait.

Chris loving his bride!

Thanks to Beth for Grabbing this LOVELY shot!

Shot this with the 85 1.4 wide open Available Light. I love this lense.

This little guy was rockin all day. So happy!

Florist: Pete Donati & Sons
Entertainment: Entertainment Unlimited (Dean Connor)
Cake: Bethel Bakery

David Burke Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Southpointe Golf Club Weddings


Kids say the sweetest things.

Bridget and I have been entertained lately by some of the things that Brayden says. Bray is at that age where he is really starting to discover who he is and how he feels about things. He really has an incredible vocabulary and we have wonderful conversations with him. It is so awesome!

Here are two recent things he has said that really made us smile.

Bray: "Mom, who made rocks?"
Mom: "God made rocks."
Bray: "Yeah, Him make Teddy Grahams too."

How sweet!

Then yesterday, I was cutting the grass and Brayden likes to follow me using his litte Home Depot mower.

Bray: "It's a great day to lawnmower, huh Dad?"
Dad: "HaHa, you better believe it. It is a great day to lawnmower Bray!"

Taking time to talk to your kids really puts life into perspective. I love little nuggets like this. Have a great weekend and listen to your kids!



I recently discovered a great website, Pandora. I am probably late to the party, because I think it has been around for a while, but never the less, it is awesome. You create an account and then you can create multiple "stations" based on an artist name. For instance I entered "Nirvana" and it started playing Nirvana and bands like Nirvana. So cool :-) I have since created a bunch of stations and then use the "Quick Mix" feature to mix all of the stations together. It is great to have while I am working at the computer or need music to play throughout the studio. Best of all it is "Free". How cool is that?

So if you haven't tried it, check it out! Pandora.com

Back to work now.... Frank Sinatra is serenading me at the moment!



One of my favorite lenses (Nikon 70-200 2.8 AF-S VR) had to go in for repair, so I am without it. I feel naked, not having it. LOL! I was going to purchase another copy of the lens, but then I discovered Lensrentals.com! This is such a great asset for photographers. This is a great way to "try before you buy" as well. I was going to spend $1,700 for a second lens, that would likely sit on the shelf for a long time, when I can rent the lense for 1 week (mine will be home soon) for under $100. So cool!

There are a few other places where you can rent lenses as well. I chose LensRentals.com, because they responded so quickly to me and they are in Tennessee, which means I can get it shipped faster for less money as well. It was also very easy to place the order. I will be renting another lens very soon for one of my upcoming weddings. The Nikon 200 2.8 AF-S VR. I have been wanting to shoot with it for a long time. I only shot with it once and it was so beautiful.


Thank you Buns!

Kenny Kim and I had an incredible day yesterday! We are exhausted and on the way to the airport now! I gotta get home to my wife and kiddos for Father's Day! Maybe I can relax??? LOL

I don't have images ready for posting yet, but Kenny posted up a few, check them out.

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!


Daisy and Devon Engagement

Daisy and Devon Engagement, originally uploaded by burkedt.

Hey guys! To see more of my images from Daisy and Devon's Philadelphia Engagement, please go here:
My Flickr Set.

Also be sure to check Kenny's Blog for more of Kenny's images.

Have a great weekend!

Kenny Kim and David Burke - Philadelphia Engagement Shoot

I have the pleasure of being in Philadelphia this weekend to shoot a wedding with my buddy, Kenny Kim. Today we met Daisy and Devon and had an engagement shoot. We had an absolute blast. D & D were so great to work with and very great in front of the cameras! We shot sooo many images. It was very hot and sunny, but we really didn't even notice. I whipped up a video/slideshow of our "Good Times" (I hope Kenny permits me to use his phrase on my blog. LOL!!!)

Kenny Kim and David Burke - Philadelphia Engagement Shoot from David Burke on Vimeo.


Bryleigh Sitting up.

Our lovely, happy, cuddly and chubby :-) little girl is finally sitting up! I took her up on the hill last night and grabbed a few pics.

Don't you just want to squeeze her up? I love her!

David Burke Pittsburgh Children's Photographer


Newborn Sneak Peek

Catching up on some blogging again. Meet Baby J. We had a beautiful summer morning to photograph this little guy and family.
I love babies :-)

David Burke Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer


Wonderful Senior Session

I had a wonderful senior session last week with J. She put a lot of thought into her session and it really paid off. We had so much fun and created so many killer images. Narrowing down was VERY difficult! That is a good thing :-) Enjoy and see you soon!


Shoot n Learn #2 Recap

Tuesday evening, I had the honor of hosting Heather Lahtinen. Heather is a sweet soul. Period. She is a wonderful photographer and teacher. Man can she teach or what??? I know the attendees can vouch for that!

We had a great time going over the basics of a Lightroom workflow. One attendee shouted "You are changing my life!" :-) It was awesome to see the lightbulbs going off. Heather showed us some of the new features in Lightroom 2.0 Beta. For me, I am thinking that Photoshop is going to be a thing of the past. Only to be used for Very detailed retouching (that does not happen too often). LR 2.0 is going to be THE BEST software for a photographer. Amen.

We are working on Shoot n Learn #3 and it looks like we are going to hone in on using Off Camera Lighting with One (1) Light. I attended a great workshop last fall called the OneLight Workshop and it blew me away. Zack Arias is extremely talented with lighting techniques. I am putting together a VERY condensed version that will give you a head start when using off camera lighting. Stay tuned for details. Here are a few snaps from Tuesday. We need to start videoing! Any videographers out there want to volunteer??? LOL


Brayden turns 3

Our little Bray turned 3 yesterday. We had a little party for him and had a great time. He is so cute! It was a Spiderman themed party, because Bray loves all things Spidey. He received lots of great gifts, much of which were Spidey themed. He has been enjoying them all. We got him the Black Spiderman Muscle Suit. Last night when he was going to bed, he looked up at me and said, "I'm really glad I got the Black Spiderman Suit Dad." He has been wearing it ever since. God Bless him!

Here are few snaps from our trusty ole Nikon D70.

Us adults had fun too with a one light setup at sunset.