
Our New Studio - Before Pics

I have been asked to post some images of our new space before we started adding our personal touch. So I snapped some images with my iPhone for you all.

Follow this link to see some before shots of our new studio. You can also click on the image.

We are shooting to open June 2. We will plan some type of open house for everyone to stop by and check it out! We can't wait.

Enjoy :-)

David Burke Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer Photography Studio Mt. Lebanon


Priscilla said...

I love it! Congrats. Can't wait to see what you do with the place.

Melissa Rich said...

:)...............get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
so stoked for you!!!!!!!!!

Beth said...

I saw the painters yesterday...I almost called to say "Hey I love the blue!!" but I decided to be nice :)

Justin Bowers said...

So what about a Soul Anatomy concert for the open house there at the studio? :-)

kennykimdotcom said...

will this be ready by the time I get there?!

Anonymous said...

Wow looks like a good amount of space! Dude I'm coming up for the grand opening, just let me know! :)