
Engagement Session - Char and Ted in the Strip District!

Still catching up on my blogging. I had an amazing engagement shoot with Char and Ted a few Saturdays ago, down in the ole Strip District of Pittsburgh. The Strip lends so many great backdrops for an urban photo shoot. Better than the backdrops though are the subjects. Char and Ted are complete naturals in front of the camera and they are just plain cool. We had so many great conversations and truly enjoyed each other.

As I have said before, I love shooting engagement sessions so that I get a chance to know my clients. It is so much better becoming friends instead of being 'the hired help' :-). I just want to thank Char and Ted for a great day and great images! Thank you for your patience on my blog sabbatical. Looking forward to you seeing more images!

Enjoy these for starters:

Pittsburgh Strip District Engagement Session - Engagement Photos Strip District


Ray Santana said...

Nice work db nice work bro keep it coming!!!!! goodtimes

Justin Bowers said...

Dude... the strip or the south side might be the place to go for a band shoot. I love these photos. Great job!

Mark Brooke Photographers said...

Hey man, I hope things are going well with you! great post.