
Shoot and Learn #2

In an attempt to come out of Blog Slacker status, I am happy to post about Shoot and Learn #2. SandL 1 was great! We all met in Mt. Lebanon and created some available light portraits. We had some great discussions and we all made new friends. That is a success to me :-)

This time, I am super stoked to have my good friend and original photography mentor, Heather Lahtinen of weddingsbyheather.com. Heather is going to join us and lead the discussion on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tips. Heather is a fantastic photographer and she has the talent of being a master of Post Production as well. Wait until you see her fly! We will be touching on topics, such as importing, organizing with keywords and collections, and creating presets. When you are shooting, especially high volume, it is crucial to have a tight, reproducible system on the back end. Of course we cannot cover it all, but it will give you a great feel on how powerful this Tool really is.

We hope you can join us!

Here is a fun image of Heather and I at a wedding earlier this year.


Blog Slacker.

OK, I admit it. I am a Blog Slacker. I will be back in full force soon. We are so busy shooting & working on the new studio. It is all going to be worth it. In the meantime, Here is one of my favorite recent shots.

It doesn't get more timeless than moments like these. I love my job!


Precious Newborn

I am really loving shooting all of these newborns!

Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer - Pittsburgh Children's Photographer


An Interview with Kenny Kim

My good friend Kenny Kim was recently interviewed for F-Stop Beyond. Kenny is a fabulous photographer and more importantly, a wonderful friend. Kenny is one of the most giving people I know. If you are not familiar with him, I have no doubt that you will be eventually. Kenny has experienced a meteoric rise in his recognition as a photographer. He will soon be a household name when the Big Wigs of the industry are mentioned ;-) (Actually he already is!)

It is a wonderful interview and it gives the listener a great inside view of Kenny as a person, photographer and friend. He truly does have the heart of a servant. If you would like to listen, you can by going to Kenny's Blog or F-Stop Beyond to hear.

I am also excited because Kenny is coming to stay with my family for a few days this week. This will be his first visit to Pittsburgh, so it will be a pleasure hosting him.


Our New Studio - Before Pics

I have been asked to post some images of our new space before we started adding our personal touch. So I snapped some images with my iPhone for you all.

Follow this link to see some before shots of our new studio. You can also click on the image.

We are shooting to open June 2. We will plan some type of open house for everyone to stop by and check it out! We can't wait.

Enjoy :-)

David Burke Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer Photography Studio Mt. Lebanon


Newborn Sneak Peak

Really quickly, I could not resist posting this. I had another wonderful newborn shoot the other day. I will properly blog this later. This image just grabbed me and I wanted to share.

This is life at its finest.


Engagement Session in Schenley Park - Jill and Joe

We have been shooting a lot of engagements as of lately. Each one is unique and lots of fun. This one was special because it rained the whole time. I love when it rains, because then you are forced to think differently and embrace the conditions. Jill and Joe did just that... Embraced the rain! These two had me laughing the entire time and I just adored watching the two of them interact.

Once again, I had a great time and know these two better than before. My new friends :-)!!! Thank you Jill and Joe. Enjoy this sneak peek. The whole gallery will be online shortly!

Thank you!

Schenley Park Engagement Photos - Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - David Burke Photographers


Bray and Bry

010, originally uploaded by burkedt.

All is well here.

Brayden is Grumpy

011, originally uploaded by burkedt.

"Dad Top Taking My Picture!"

Bryleigh is a Happy Girl

003, originally uploaded by burkedt.

Just grabbed a few pics this morning.


Engagement Session - Char and Ted in the Strip District!

Still catching up on my blogging. I had an amazing engagement shoot with Char and Ted a few Saturdays ago, down in the ole Strip District of Pittsburgh. The Strip lends so many great backdrops for an urban photo shoot. Better than the backdrops though are the subjects. Char and Ted are complete naturals in front of the camera and they are just plain cool. We had so many great conversations and truly enjoyed each other.

As I have said before, I love shooting engagement sessions so that I get a chance to know my clients. It is so much better becoming friends instead of being 'the hired help' :-). I just want to thank Char and Ted for a great day and great images! Thank you for your patience on my blog sabbatical. Looking forward to you seeing more images!

Enjoy these for starters:

Pittsburgh Strip District Engagement Session - Engagement Photos Strip District


Bryleigh @ 5 months

I was also told that I would be hit over the head if I did not start posting pics of my own kids too.

So as I was feeding Bryleigh some sweet potatoes, I could not resist a few snaps.

Here is one. I just want to eat her up. She is so adorable!

Family Shoots

Hi everyone! I am trying to catch up on blogging!! I have been meeting and shooting some great people these past few weeks. Here are a few sneak peeks from some wonderful family shoots!
I traveled to this family home and had a great time. Shooting was fun but I always enjoy getting to know my clients. I make so many friends like this! Even their Pug joined in :-) He is a family member after all! The two boys are such cuties! Big Brother is SUPER proud!

These little girls are so adorable! I traveled here early one morning to create some fun lifestyle images. We definitely nailed it. Feeling very black and white when looking at these. I love B&W with children. Do you??

Pittsburgh Family Photographer - Lifestyle Photographer


Shoot and Learn was a blast!

We are behind on blogging some fantastic shoots. I promise they will all get here eventually. This past week has been a whirlwind of excitement. New Studio, LifExpo and our first Shoot N Learn workshop. I am about to run out and shoot the engagement session of Jill and Joe so I have to make this quick.

I thought I may get 2 or 3 folks out for the workshop, but we had 10! I was blown away. The people that came were awesome. I made some new friends and cannot wait to do it again. We are brainstorming on what we can do each time to make it super useful. We are putting together a survey to send out to see what you all think. Thanks to everyone that came out and look forward to seeing you again!

Here are a few of my snaps from the night. We did Available Light Portraits. Fun!!

My beautiful Wife, Bridget, was our model. Bray Bray made an appearance too.

(these are from my flickr page, sorry for the small size)


Shoot and Learn with me!

**This Post will be pinned here until 5/1/2008**

Hi Everyone!
In effort to reach out, teach, learn, shoot and most of all have fun, I have decided to put together some Shoot & Learn workshops for anyone wanting to learn more about digital photography with a focus on documenting life. I have been wanting to put this together for quite sometime and am happy that we can now move forward.

Starting Thursday May 1, 2008 and the First Thursday of each month, I will be hosting a Shoot and Learn Workshop that will cover at least one aspect of photography. This first one is going to cover Exposure: Available Light Portraits. We will be shooting in Manual Mode :-). I will help you step out of the box and "Auto Mode"...

Click on the Picture for more info:

This is designed for users of Digital SLR cameras that want to learn how to create better images straight out of the camera. My intentions are to help you understand some fundamentals that can push you along your way. I plan on leading to the location and shooting, all the while telling you exactly what settings I am using so that you can begin with a foundation. I will then help you get set up and shooting. I will be available for assistance and to answer any questions you may have.

I absolutely LOVE what I do. I cannot imagine doing anything else. Life is so precious and I believe it is my job to capture it exactly the way God wants it to be :-) I also want to help others do the same thing.

At the very least, we will create a great community and make new friends. How cool is that?

If you are interested in coming along, please email me at david@davidburkephoto.com with Shoot and Learn in the subject line. There is no COST to you, except for your time. I promise that you will walk away with more confidence and hopefully more ideas when you approach a particular subject to shoot.

Pittsburgh Photography Classes - David Burke Photographers - Shoot and Learn