
New Website: davidburkekids.com

Hey Peeps!
We have launched a new website!!! to showcase some of our children's work. The site has a few portfolios as well as information about David and details about our sessions.

The site will be updated frequently, with new pics and information. The 'Pricing Details' link is not active but will be shortly :-).

davidburkekids.com is an extension of the David Burke Photographers brand that is dedicated to providing excellent service and imagery of David's favorite subjects... KIDS! Maternity to Seniors is what we are about.
Our Galleries are named:
Fresh - the freshest lives. newborns and babies.

Exploring - the toddler to youth years

Leading - seniors. moving on to be the next leaders.

Together - maternity & families. we want to capture the 'togetherness' of people, not just a portrait.

We are SUPER EXCITED to launch this site and are already booking up sessions quickly! Please drop us a line @ info@davidburkephoto.com to let us know what you think!

Without further adieu please visit http://davidburkekids.com


Kevin Von Qualen said...

sweet! congratulations!

and Love this shot on your post!

Ray Santana said...

Sweeet stuff db i think your on to something here!!!!