
Engagement Session - Anne & Sean

We had beautiful weather on Saturday, in Pittsburgh! I met with Anne and Sean for the first time and shot some engagement photos. We had a great time and I can't wait to get to know them better!! Thanks guys and see ya in May!!!

*Photographers* - These images are straight out of camera and were processed using the new Aperture 2.0 from Apple. I am really working with this software and have to tell you that it is fantastic. I will never say a bad word about Adobe Lightroom, but this version of Aperture is a HUGE upgrade. Blazing Speed, very intuitive, plug-ins that make sense to me and of course Aperture's stellar file management. I may actually change my flow... We shall see :-) I will write a full review when my 30 day trial is up. You may want to try it yourself


STEVE DePINO said...

So have you moved over to a completely Aperture work flow?

David Burke said...

Strongly considering the change to Aperture only.

mike steelman said...

getting my full version wednesday (I hope)! I've stuck with aperture waiting for this upgrade...we shall see! :) Good for you for keeping your options open. Dude,diggin the new signature logo! Can't wait to catch up bro.