
What is your favorite photograph?

I have soooo many favorite photographs (mostly of my children)! However, stepping aside from family images...

What is your favorite photograph (that you didn't make)?

If I had to pick 1 image. It would be this image from the 1960 World Series featuring the Pittsburgh Pirates and the NY Yankees.

This image was captured as Bill Mazeroski hit a Game 7, 9th inning home run to win the World Series for Pittsburgh.

This image was created by photojournalist George Silk.

Here is what I love about the image:

  • Real - not contrived.

  • Timeless - this image never gets old.

  • Black and White - My favorite!

  • Excitement - you cannot see a face or the action, however you KNOW there is joy!

This image has been on my mind this week, so I thought I would post. Angela's (our bride from last weekend) father loves this image as well. He has it framed and signed by Bill Mazeroski in his study. When I saw the image I said, "That is my favorite photograph! He said "Me too!" The funny thing is that I am not even a huge sports buff. I enjoy sports, but cannot recite stats and names like most of my friends. LOL!

So I would love to know what some of your favorite photographs are.

My second favorite image (hands down) the National Geographic Afghan Girl (captured by Steve McCurry)

This image is widely recognized and beautiful. Real. Natural. No Photoshop. Gorgeous.
Love it.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

kennykimdotcom said...


Have you seen this article about the girl? Interesting stuff!