
LIFExpo 2008 - Come and see us!

**Update. We also have an awesome announcement to make later today**

We were invited to be a part of LifeExpo this weekend down at Heinz Field. We are very excited to be there and will be shooting the entire event this weekend. TWe would love it if you would stop by and say hello.

Here is some info:
Come Down to the LIFExpo at Heinz Field this Thursday May 1st through Sunday May 4th!

It’s a FREE Event where you’ll have the opportunity to:
See Tunch Ilkin of the Pittsburgh Steelers for autographs on Thursday from 12-2:00
See Jennifer Antkowiak speaking on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1:00
Experience the Steeler’s Heinz Field Coca Cola Great Hall
See How You can “Go Green” Everyday right here in Pittsburgh!
Go Online at the KidZui Internet Cafe as seen on WTAE’s “Plugged In”
Enter Prize Drawings and Giveaways for All Ages
Introduce the Kids to the Pirate Parrot, Pirate Peroggis, and Kenny Kangaroo
Learn How to Lower Your Cost at the Gas Pump
Bring Your Home Products and Toys to Test for Lead Content
Visit the booths of many regional companies and non-profit organizations!

LIFExpo Times: Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 12 PM – 8PM and Sunday: 12 PM – 5PM

Visit the website at www.lifexpo.com for much more information!

And on the website, check out the Schedule of Events for more info on the Stage Schedule and Special Attractions!
(All scheduled times are subject to change)

We look forward to seeing you there!

1 comment:

Peter Bang said...

can't wait to hear what the big news is!