
David Burke Photographers New Home!

We just signed the lease for our new studio location of 633 Washington
Road Mt. Lebanon, PA!!!

I will fillyou all in later, we are just so excited and extremely
blessed with this opportunity.

LIFExpo 2008 - Come and see us!

**Update. We also have an awesome announcement to make later today**

We were invited to be a part of LifeExpo this weekend down at Heinz Field. We are very excited to be there and will be shooting the entire event this weekend. TWe would love it if you would stop by and say hello.

Here is some info:
Come Down to the LIFExpo at Heinz Field this Thursday May 1st through Sunday May 4th!

It’s a FREE Event where you’ll have the opportunity to:
See Tunch Ilkin of the Pittsburgh Steelers for autographs on Thursday from 12-2:00
See Jennifer Antkowiak speaking on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1:00
Experience the Steeler’s Heinz Field Coca Cola Great Hall
See How You can “Go Green” Everyday right here in Pittsburgh!
Go Online at the KidZui Internet Cafe as seen on WTAE’s “Plugged In”
Enter Prize Drawings and Giveaways for All Ages
Introduce the Kids to the Pirate Parrot, Pirate Peroggis, and Kenny Kangaroo
Learn How to Lower Your Cost at the Gas Pump
Bring Your Home Products and Toys to Test for Lead Content
Visit the booths of many regional companies and non-profit organizations!

LIFExpo Times: Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 12 PM – 8PM and Sunday: 12 PM – 5PM

Visit the website at www.lifexpo.com for much more information!

And on the website, check out the Schedule of Events for more info on the Stage Schedule and Special Attractions!
(All scheduled times are subject to change)

We look forward to seeing you there!


Lots of exciting things going on...

Hi all! I am sorry I have not updated in so long. We have been super busy on a number of projects here. One is HUGE and I cannot wait to share.

In the meantime, I have been shooting tons and meeting a lot of wonderful people. I will be updating the blog with some images soon, but I have to run for now.

But I can't leave you without any images, so check this out and then be sure to check my friend Heather Lahtinen's Blog for more. I shot a beautiful wedding with her on Saturday and as usual we had a wonderful time! She is awesome! This is an image I created that she posted on her blog.

And, if you get the opportunity to shoot with friends, DO IT. Enjoy It. You will grow.


Family Session

Earlier this week I was introduced to a fabulous family in my area. I am so happy that I got to meet them and know them better! They are a such a happy family :-) Mom, Dad plus 4 girls and 2 boys! The love that keeps this family tightly knit is so apparent when you meet them. The children are all so well behaved too. We had an awesome shoot! I cannot wait to present the rest of the images!!! I am so blessed to be doing what I love... Documenting life is such an amazing privilege.

In the meantime, here is a sneak at what we captured. Thank you for having us over and see you next week!
The Gang

Mom and Dad

Oldest to Youngest


Shannon and Peter - Engagement

This past weekend I traveled to the DC area to for an engagement session. As a bonus, I got to visit my Mother and spend the night at her home. It was a lovely trip all around.

Saturday I traveled to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens to meet Shannon and Peter for the first time. We immediately hit it off and had the morning blocked off for some shooting and fun. What a wonderful, beautiful couple! They picked the perfect spot for their engagement session.

While we were shooting I got to learn so much about how they met, how Peter proposed and the plans for the upcoming August Wedding. I love learning about all of the details. The wedding is going to be fabulous!!! If you want to learn more, stop back in August after the wedding :-)

As an added bonus, my friend and photographer,Peter Bang got to come and shoot with us. It was so great seeing Peter again and getting to shoot together. Peter will be shooting the wedding with me as well.

Here are a few images from the day. We captured so many great shots! Thanks for doing your thing and allowing us to observe and capture! See you soon Shannon and Peter!

Meadowlark Botanical Gardens Engagement Pictures - Washington, DC Wedding Photographer


Adrienne and Chris - Engagement

Last week we had a great shoot with Adrienne and Chris who will be getting married this June! The evening light was incredibly gorgeous and having a beautiful couple only enhanced it that much more. Adrienne and Chris are complete naturals in front of the camera.

Baby Mason was with us for a bit as well. He is such a cutie!

Enjoy these images, from observing a couple just enjoying life. I love my job!

David Burke Photographers - Pittsburgh Engagement Pictures - South Park Engagment Pictures - David Burke Engagement Photographer

Lots Of Kids!

Had a really fun shoot with 7 children last week. They were all so great to interact with. Our goal was to get a non-traditional group shot and individual shots of each. It is always a challenge photographing multiple people (especially children :-) ) at once, but we pulled it off nicely.

Once we got some of the group shots we just observed and took some random shots as well. Once the children were rested enough, we moved into individual portraits. I love the individual portrait time with kids!

**Shooting Tip**
It is so great to be on their level and find things that we can connect with, such as cartoons, food, school, bikes, sports, etc... When I am shooting portraits of children, I talk and talk to keep that connection going. This is a very important component of my children's photography, because it breaks them from the "mold" of "say cheese" or "sit this way, do this". I love natural portaits, so this is one of my ways to achieve the best results.

Here are some images from the shoot:

Had a really fun shoot with 7 children last week. They were all so great to interact with. Our goal was to get a non-traditional group shot and individual shots of each. It is always a challenge photographing multiple people (especially children :-) ) at once, but we pulled it off nicely.

Once we got some of the group shots we just observed and took some random shots as well. Once the children were rested enough, we moved into individual portraits. I love the individual portrait time with kids!

David Burke Children's Photographer, Pittsburgh Children's Photographer


Latest Self Portrait

Scouting the light the other night, I shot from the hip. Brings out my eyes, eh? LOL


Lifestyle Session - The Bowers Family

I LOVE Lifestyle Family Sessions! Especially when my clients love them too ;-)

Monday evening we had a great night for the shoot. The girls were soo cute and fun to play with. We had an absolute blast!

Thank you all for having fun with me. Here are a few images as a sneak peek for ya!


Newborn Session to Maternity Session

Last week was a crazy week. With Brayden being sick, I had to line up my priorities accordingly and he came in first place. Everything else fell behind and we are now just about caught up.

Thankfully Brayden is now back to 100%. I tried to get him to make a video this morning to thank everyone for prayers and happy thoughts, but it did not work out too well. haha. I am going to post at least some happy face pics of him.

Friday I was able to shoot a newborn and a maternity session. Sweet.

Baby G is gorgeous and cuddly. Don't ya just want to eat her up? She was born to Amy and Chris ( you can see their maternity images here). I love her hair! Thank you Amy and Chris for having me over. We created some fantastic images that you are going to love! See ya soon. Here is a sneak peak.

In the early evening I had the fortune of hanging out with one of my favorite couples, Stephanie and Jeremy. We documented their wedding last March 31, 2007. It was so great to see them again and this time, with baby on the way! These two are so perfect together. I cannot wait to meet the new addition.

We had so much fun taking some images. Here are a few for a sneak peak. Enjoy and I will see you soon! (Aren't they beautiful??)
**Update Forgot to blog this one. My favorite!**


Group hug

In the ER.

Ruled out anything serious and are heading home!!!!

Back to the hospital.

This is so not the usual Brayden. It has been 5 days and he is still
not getting better. We are heading back to the hospital. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming.


Update on Brayden and Apple Aperture 2.1

Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers. They are working, so please keep them coming.

Bray is coming along, but he is still pretty sick. We decided to take him back to the Dr. today because he was so lethargic. He is definitely making progress and we should see him getting back in the groove by Thursday. His little voice, 'Da Da, I don't feel good...' Man it breaks your heart when you hear it!

Apple Aperture 2.1
Well my love affair with Apple Aperture has come to an end. I was LOVING Aperture. Totally LOVING it. Until they released the update for 2.1. Now I cannot keep the application running. It CONSTANTLY crashes. To the point that it is unusable. I am so heart broken. I have begun using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom again, until they get the quirks fixed in Aperture. I have faith that Apple will fix the issues, but still need to be productive with my time in front of the computer.

Has anyone else had this experience? Do any of my blog readers even use Aperture?? haha.

Peace out.

This week's Workflow Savior:


Our Little Brayden

I came home this afternoon from a great weekend with by son Damon and the youth group. On my way home, Bridget called to tell me that the Dr. Suggested taking Brayden to Children's Hospital. He had spiked a fever on Friday and was wheezing. So she did. I was 3 hours away by car and I was not driving... Worried? Yes. Confident that he would be OK? Yes.

So I eventually got to the hospital to be with him. He was lying there with a breathing treatment and being very quiet. Bridget and my Dad were there with him. He kept saying, 'I want my daddy.' (Which made my day!)

Long story (and day!) short... It turns out that he has a little pneumonia in his left lung, an ear infection and a stomach virus! Good Lord, how can his little body handle this?? I do not know how he is doing it, but he is. We were able to bring him home and care for him here. He slept relatively well and is still sleeping. I am praying that today is a better day for him.

Brayden is our sickliest child. He is so precious and soft. He is not frail, but there is something fragile about him. We love him so much! So if you think about it, please pray for him and send good thoughts his way. We just want him to get better and back to his old self.

Here is a little iPhone picture from yesterday. He is so adorable. I love you Bray Bray!!


Out of the office :-)

I will be out of the office until Monday April 7.

I am heading on a youth retreat with my son Damon. It is called Destination Unknown, so the kids do not know where we are going! It is going to be a wonderful time. I really look forward to these trips for so many reasons. Reaching out to the unchurched, having great times and spending quality time with my oldest son. Lots of value!!!

So, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. See ya next week.


Senior Pictures

Had a great senior shoot the other night. Beautiful subject and lots of different lighting to play with. We had overcast, hard sunlight, darkness, off camera lighting and open shade. I call that Options! We will call her "J". She was awesome to work with and we know that she is going to love the images. Here are a few for a sneak peak.