
Nicole and Blaine in Charleston!

What a weekend! We had an incredible trip to Charleston, SC for Nicole and Blaine's wedding. We could not have asked for a better group of people to spend our time with. My good friend and great photographer, Kenny Kim, accompanied me on this adventure. I could go on and on about this weekend, but I am now trying to catch up :-). I will sum it up with Wow! Nicole and Blaine both come from very good families, that are very loving and welcoming. We were blown away with the hospitality. Thank you everyone!

I also want to thank Corrine and Nick George for the referral! It was great to see you again too (Kenny snapped a shot of the three of us below).

OK, onto the pictures and HERE for the Slideshow.

Corrine, Nick and some really smiley guy!

1 comment:

Kevin Von Qualen said...

nice work smiley guy!!