
On a Senior Roll...

Whoosh! Time is flying by this August with all of the Seniors I have been shooting. I have had a break from weddings in August (until tomorrow), then we have one every weekend but 1 until November 3rd. We will be rolling in weddings then! haha

Tonight I had the pleasure to photograph my cousin, Christine! She is a senior this year, so of course we did a senior session. It is amazing that she is already a senior. Man, I am getting old to quickly!! We had fun tonight. Hanging out with my Aunt LaLa and my cousins was great (and I can't forget Gizmo). I don't see them too often, so it was wonderful.

Christine is such a beautiful young lady and she is great with the camera. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Gizmo joined in too!

1 comment:

Melissa Rich said...

are you using the sunbounce?? I see reflector light...looks so good!!