
Crystal and Ryan

This past weekend's wedding was a special one for our family. Bridget's cousin, Crystal, was married to Ryan at South Hills Assembly of God and the reception followed at the Bradley House. It is always a joy to document family affairs, because everyone is relaxed with the camera. It was great to have Bridget's family together for fun and celebration. We all had a blast! The wedding was fantastic and the day was absolutely perfect. This unseasonable cool, but beautiful July weather is incredible.

We started the day at Grandma's house (Crystal and Ryan live in Florida) while the girls got ready. Crystal had her mother as her maid of honor and Grandma gave her away. It was very touching for everyone. Ryan's best man was his buddy, Adam and Ryan's daughter Emily, was the flower girl. A very small bridal party which makes coordinating formal shots, very simple :-).

After the wedding, we stopped for some shots at Jefferson Memorial (always a beautiful backdrop). Onto the reception after that. The party was great! Everyone was Dancing and having a great time. At one point, Crystal & Bridget's cousin, Danny, got up and sang Young M.C.'s 'Bust A Move.' It was awesome! You will see him in action, below.

Thanks everyone for having me along! Thanks to my buddy Trevar for assisting and shooting with me!!


Crystal doing Grandma's makeup

Crystal zippin up mom



Uncle Steve did the ceremony

Ahhh, my favorite lighting.

First Dance

That is Bridget and my sister-in-law Erin. (two pregnant girls tearing up the dance floor)

Ryan and his mother, Julie

Even I got to dance with my beautiful wife!

Danny Bustin A Move.

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