
Shelly and Chris - Engagement

This past weekend, Shelly, Chris and I hung out and had a great E session! We started at their home, took out Chris' Harley and then ended up in the Mt. Lebanon Shopping District. The day was gorgeous, but the couple was smokin :-) We had a blast. The blue skies, Bike and background really lend to the images. They are getting married this October and we could not be more excited to be a part of the day! Thanks guys, enjoy the pics!


Ray Santana said...

Fisheye baby sweet looking gooooood db. That shot of your son nice dude...

Unknown said...

Yo, love the new blog! Images are sweet as usual!

The Huge Spectrum said...

The picture with them on the bike and the motion blur is f'in sweet!
Iknow so a year ago, but i just discovered your site.