
Karen and Ray - Engagement

Saturday afternoon I headed down to Phipps Conservatory and Schenley Park to hang out with Karen and Ray. Karen and Ray are getting married September 22 (Bridget's Birthday!). Their reception is at a beautiful new reception hall, Bella Sera, which happens to be minutes from our home. This helps not having to drive very far after a long day of shooting and fun!

We had a great time on Saturday. We walked around the inside of Phipps and found some great locations for some shots and eventually moved outside to create some more. Towards the end of the day, I was in search of some beautiful backlighting and we did score! Karen and Ray are a great couple! We laughed so much and captured many great moments. I can't wait for the wedding. It will be a wonderful celebration! Thank you Karen and Ray for including us in your lives!!! Here are a few shots from the day.

1 comment:

Kevin Von Qualen said...

hey, that looks like a Chihully glass sculpture! he is one of my favorite artists with amazing installations!

nice shooting David! Love the fisheye and also shooting thru the bushes.
