
Engagement Session - Washington D.C.

I had the opportunity to do an engagement session this past weekend, down in Washington D.C. Brooke and Michael were engaged at Jefferson Memorial, so they thought it would be fun to have our session there. I totally agreed! We originally had it scheduled for last month, but a last minute snowstorm came through and we had to reschedule. Of course we scheduled on the weekend of this Fabulous Noreaster Storm!!! It was crazy! It rained non-stop the entire session. The wind was blowing, the rain was coming down, sideways and every way. We were determined not to let it hamper our time. We had lots of fun and challenges!!

I brought my Dad along with me and I am so happy that I did. He was my right hand man, trying to keep me as dry as possible while I was shooting. He said he felt like, 'Michael Jackson's umbrella holder guy'. I wish I had a picture of us together! Thanks Dad :-) Also, I have to give a shout out to Nikon!! My equipment is weather sealed for minor conditions... Well, I REALLY put it to the test yesterday. It got SOAKED! I was nervous, but it kept on working flawlessly. As soon as we got to the car, I was able to get it dried off properly and let it air out. I hooked it up today and it works like a charm! Thanks NIKON!

I really want to thank Brooke and Michael for having us down to DC for this fun! It was so great to work with them and I am really looking forward to the July wedding. It is NOT allowed to rain! It rained enough yesterday for the rest of the year.

Here are a few shots!


kennykimdotcom said...

That first one and the forth shot is very nice. looks like fun times!

Melissa Rich said...

Love the first shot!!

Hey! It's good luck if it rains on your wedding day ( a little:)

Unknown said...

Brooke & Mike - I am so proud of you two - what beautiful pictures.


Michael Norwood said...
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Michael Norwood said...

Nice shoot DB! Bummer about the weather but what a cool place for the session.

Ray Santana said...

db you to shooting in the rain whats up with that...

David Burke said...

that noreaster was a doozie!!

Unknown said...

Great work! I love the third one. Looks like you could not escape the weather, but made some magic anyways.

Tiffany Aicklen said...


Love #7, it's my fav. How fun . . . DC in the rain. Very Romantic.