
Moments and Kids with Camera

Two weeks ago, I was fortunate to spend the day with two of my favorite photographers. Joe Buissink and Marcus Bell.

Marcus is an award winning photographer located in Brisbane, Queensland and has one of Australias leading photography studios. He is a very genuine guy, totally shoots from the heart and has an amazing business sense. A true artist to say the least. Marcus is one of those talented people that can work a picture up a lot in photoshop, but still makes it look real, just like a print from a negative. Awesome! Here is a pic of Marcus and Me:

Joe is a photographer based in Beverly Hills, CA. He still shoots 80% B&W film at his weddings. He has a master printer do all of his custom prints. Joe is all about the moment! He talks about how there is 'No perfect Image, Just Perfect Moments'. This idea is very apparent through all of his work. Very timeless. He is a wonderful guy to boot. Very caring, giving and passionate for what he does. He has shot numerous celebrity weddings such as, Christina Aguilera, Hillary Swank, Christina Applegate, Brendan Fraser, Jenny Garth, Jennifer Lopez & Jessica Simpson. He has very unique stories about each! Here is a picture of Joe and Me:

It was great hanging out with these guys and talking shop. I am going to start shooting a few rolls of B&W film again to mix it up a bit. There is something about film that I really miss. Shoot, take it to the lab and then pick it up. Editing is simple. Keep the few prints from the stack and move on. What a time saver! ahaha... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE digital, but I think there is a lot to be said about film as well.

On the theme of 'Perfect Moments', I thought this would be fun to post about. Once in a while the kids (Damon, Christian and Brayden) will get a hold of our Nikon Coolpix point & shoot camera and pretty much just hold the shutter down! It is quite funny when we upload the images to iPhoto and discover all of these little nuggets. Most of the pictures are out of focus and you can't even tell what the subject is, but once in a while there is a perfect moment in there! It will be a great progress meter to check against, once they are all award winning photographers! Check out this little slideshow. It is priceless. Click the picture (Brayden snapped this nugget! Also you will need Quicktime to view the show.)

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