
Family Favorites

One of our favorite clients, Maura, had me over to photograph her family for the fall. We had a shoot earlier this year (in the spring) with their extended family which was a lot of fun. This time though, it was more focused on the children, Riley and Mack. Brian and Maura welcomed me and we got the kids geared up to go outside. We were having so much fun in the leaves and on the swingset! We eventually moved inside to capture some more fun in the house. I was having so much fun, that I hated to leave. I had to get to another shoot (those double shoot days are a doozy :-) ).

You all know that kids are my favorite subjects. The picture opportunities are endless. When you just play and hang out with them they do the cutest things, naturally. That is when you click the shutter. I look forward to working with Maura, Brian, Riley and Mack in the many years to come! Thank you all for inviting me into your beautiful home to help create some lasting memories.

PS - I will post my other shoot tomorrow.

Here are a few:

Riley hiding in the tall grass:

Mack was telling me his prayer:

Climbin the Wall:

Family Shot (this was Riley's idea. She set it all up! I am going to hire her for posing expertise. Thanks Riley!)

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