
E-Session @ Station Square

On Sunday we had a great engagement session with Susan and Michael at Station Square. Their wedding is on October 21! This was the first opportunity we had to meet Michael. After knowing Susan, I had no doubt that he would be a great guy. He verified that. As you can see from the images, that these two are Naturals in front of the camera. I always tell my couples that the images look best when they do not look contrived. I try to find an area with good light and tell them to forget I am there! Sometimes it is hard :-) when you look up and I am across the way with a big zoom lense on. haha.. After the first few moments though, they get the idea and it 'just works'!

At one point, I had a man say, 'Excuse me. Is that couple truly in love or are they just models?' I laughed and said, 'Both!' Haha, they are not really models, but they absolutely could be!!!

We are really looking forward to the wedding now! Thanks for coming out with us!

A few from the day:

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi David:

Came over from Mike's blog to check out your engagment photos. Awesome job, love the use of the light, and color in the photos. Your couple should be so happy with them.