
Wedding in Ohio

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure to shoot a wedding with my friend and mentor, Heather Lahtinen. As usual, we had a great time! We went to Youngstown, Ohio for the event.

This wedding was very different from most of the weddings we have done in the sense that the ceremony was at 1:30 and the reception did not begin until 6PM. It was an ultra-fast ceremony to boot! (Big Thumbs up :-) ) . Needless to say we had a lot of time to shoot at a few different locations. The really cool thing was the reception. We arrived (with the bridal party) at 6PM before the guests. At this time Heather and I were invited to eat at the Parent's table, which we gladly accepted. Once we were finished eating, the Bride, Groom and families lined up for a receiving line and the guests were invited in to eat. Awesome!

I would like to thank Heather for having me shoot with her. Heather has been a great mentor to Bridget and I and we are blessed to have her in our lives. (Even though she makes me cheat on my Nikon cameras and shoot Canon!!!) haha...

Since I used Canons to capture all of the images this past weekend, I can only post one, so my Nikon boys do not get their feelings hurt... Be sure to check out Heather's Blog for more images!

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