
More Kids

We have been doing a lot of kids shooting lately, which has been lots of fun! Shooting kids in a 'lifestyle' kind of way makes all the difference in the world. Just letting kids be kids, is the BEST ingredient for great images. We have really stepped away from the 'JCPenney' portrait look. It is so hard to get a child to look natural and relaxed in a formal setting. Our style of shooting really brings out a kid's personality. When you look back at the pictures, for years to come, they will still be as real as they were when they were captured.

We like to show up, talk and play with the kids for a few minutes so they become comfortable with us. Then we just step back and start shooting. A typical session lasts 1 hour. Usually after an hour, a child is ready to move onto something else :-). Infants, though not as mobile get tuckered out too! Please Contact us to schedule a session for your kids!

Here are a few of our latest images:

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