
Bryleigh's First Bath

Last night we gave Bryleigh her first 'non-sponge' bath. I love seeing a baby's reaction to the first bath. She was just like the boys... Didn't like it at first, but then grew to love it.

Brayden was a spectator and then he said 'Daddy will you take my picture in the bath too?' How could I say NO??

Here is a video and some stills.

Merry Christmas!


Boys being boys.

I had a fun 10 minute session with the two little guys tonight while Mommy went to the hair salon and Bryleigh was napping. Simple setup, but lots of fun!!

**For Photographers** Grey seamless paper background, Nikon SB-600 bounced into a 45" umbrella at 1/8 power (fired with Pocket Wizards), Nikon D200, 17-55 2.8, ISO 200, aperture f/4, shutter 1/100 :-)
**End Geek Speak**

My Favorite.


Christian in the Christmas Story

Christian played Joseph in his school play this morning. It was awesome! All of these kids did such an incredible job. They are all so darn cute. Moments like these just remind me of how good it is to be alive and to enjoy the things we are blessed with.

Enjoy. **Edit - Yep that is Bryleigh Crying at the beginning... :-)***


3 weeks already

Do you believe it has been 3 weeks already? She is growing so quickly.


Xbox LIVE and Call of Duty 4

OK, one of the great things about having sons, is that you still get to be a kid yourself. Enter Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE. What a combo. Santa delivered the game console last Christmas and we have enjoyed it tremendously. Lately we have been playing Call of Duty 4. Recently, my Bro-In-Law, Darren, got me hooked into playing our favorite game online. The game is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This game is great! I only wish I had more time to play it!! (Extra time is not something we have lately...)

Anyways, if you are an Xbox LIVE player and are playing Call of Duty 4, my gamer tag is DaYzeZ. (Christian came up with that name Daze-ez. So cute.) Look me up and we can play!


Recent Kids Shoot

Check out these lil guys. We had a blast! This is a sneak peek for mom.

Big Brother Brayden

Bray is so proud to be a big brother. He LOVES to snuggle Bryleigh and give her kisses. Check him out.


Test Video

I found this new site Blip.tv that has excellent web-quality video. So I wanted to put a test clip up there and who do you think it stars??? Yep. Bryleigh.

I so love having a little girl around



We had a major malfunction with our email system over the past two weeks. For some reason, our main email info@davidburkephoto.com was missing from our server. If you have sent an email to us, using the info address, over the past two weeks it is likely that we did not receive it. Please accept our apologies and I believe that the issue is resolved. Please resend any emails that you may have sent.

Also, we have started to use SPAM ARREST due to the large amount of spam we receive. If you send us an email you will be asked to verify your address. I hated to enact this line of defense, but we waste so much time deleting junk mail that the junk filters do not catch. Thank you for understanding :-)

Free Rice

This site is fun and promotes a good cause. Check out Free Rice. I saw this on my friend, Kevin Von Qualen's site. For each word you get right, they donate 20 grains of rice through the United Nations to help end world hunger. You get to educate yourself and help the hungry :-)!


Where have I been...

Here!  I promise.  We have been very busy getting our new family routine down pat.  It has been a bit more challenging than we anticipated :-).  Bryleigh is amazing!  She is such an incredible baby.  The two "little guys" (Christian and Brayden) on the other hand... This has been quite an adjustment to them.  Damon is doing very well with it all.  We all love having Bryleigh around.

Anyways I am posting without a picture this evening.  I have been working on a lot of new things and cannot wait to share.  I will be posting more often once I get things situated.  When I am prioritizing, the Blog comes in behind my Family.... That is a good thing!  Hope you all are well.