
1 week later....

Wow this past week has gone by so quickly! We had a lot of family in over the holiday and are just now trying to get settled into our new and improved family routine. Adding Bryleigh sure has been a lot of fun! The boys are adjusting well, but they are definitely a little jealous. That is to be expected. Bryleigh sleeps like an angel, eats like a champ and does her business as she should ;-).

One of the things that I have been wanting to do as an 'artist' is take a hand at newborn photography. Newborns are soooooo adorable and I would love nothing more than to capture those details. Well, since I have a live in model, I was able to get a little natural light setup put together and give it a shot. It was great! Bryleigh was a trooper. Click on the picture to see a brief slideshow of the results.

Tech notes: All images shot with available window light. ISO set between 200 and 400. Shutter 1/80 - 1/200 sec, f2.0 - 2.8 using my 50mm lense. I used Black Velvet, an off white shaggy rug, beanbag, basket and a few blankets. One thing I learned is that a beanbag is ESSENTIAL when shooting newborns. It works perfectly.

I am very happy with the results and I cannot wait to shoot more of these.
Click on the picture to see a brief slideshow of the results.


Totally in Love...

We are all just smitten here at the Burke home! Bryleigh is amazing. I cannot tell you how thankful I am right now. This Thanksgiving will always hold a special place in my heart :-) Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Here is a picture of her at Day 2.


Lots of Pics

I posted a photoset of pics on my flickr page. You can see it by clicking the picture below. Isn't she beautiful??


With big brother Damon

Mommy and Bryleigh

Bryleigh Teresa is here!!!

She arrived at 11:46am weighing in at 6lbs 15oz and 20" long. Bridget
was such a trooper!!!

I will write more and post better pics later.

Any minute now!

We are patiently waiting. Bridget is such a trooper. Stay tuned!

Sent from my iPhone

The captain is here



All is well. Dr. Says Bridget needs to rest until the baby arrives. She has been trying to do too much and now she just needs to relax and wait. Obviously, I need to pick up where she leaves off. She does SO MUCH for our family. I appreciate her more than words can say. I know that we would not be where we are if it were not for her.. I love you B!

So with that being said, over the next few weeks while we wait for our daughter to arrive, I may be slow to return phone calls and emails. Please bear with us while we prepare for this wonderful experience and I can assure to help my wife get the rest she needs.

We will post about the baby as soon as we can. Until next time....


Any day now!

This one is for meemaw!!! I love this new phone.

Awe so cute

New phone number

Please make a note of our new phone number 412-979-7525.

Testing 123

This is a test from my new business line


One Light Workshop

I had an incredible time at the One Light Workshop in Atlanta. I will write more about it later, but here are a few images I snapped. So much fun. So worth it.
My Flickr Onelight Page.


Continuing Education

I love to learn! This weekend I am headed to Atlanta for the One Light Workshop "People are happier when they are lit!" with Zack Arias. I hear it is a fabulous very intensive one day shop. I truly cannot wait. I am also going to get the opportunity to photograph our brand new niece, Evie White. An added bonus!

We are very close to the arrival of our own new daughter too. When we booked this trip for me, we figured that we would still be 3 weeks out from Bridget's due date and would have nothing to worry about. I have to admit, that I am a bit anxious about leaving. We both feel confident that things will be fine while I am away. The good news is there are a lot of flights between Pgh and Atlanta, so I can get home quickly. I will be praying a lot that God takes good care of my family while I am away. Can you do the same? thanks!

Zack is an incredibly talented photographer and it will be great to finally meet him. I will be sure to post images from the workshop. Have a great weekend!




Starting to catch up.
Check him out.


Laura and Mark - the wedding

Still behind on blogging, but wanted to get this last wedding of the year (for us) up there!
Saturday we shot the wedding of Laura and Mark. What a gorgeous day. Laura and Mark were married at St. Bernards in Mt. Lebanon and had their reception at the Heinz History Center. What a stellar location for a reception! All in all the day was wonderful. Thank you Laura and Mark for having us along to document the day. Enjoy your honeymoon!

Here are some favs and a link to the reception slideshow.


David Burke and Kenny Kim

While shooting Nicole and Blaine's wedding, in Charleston last week, Kenny and I decided we wanted to make a little video of our adventures. This was the INTENTION. However, we were so busy shooting and having fun, that we never shot any more video! I guess we need to hire someone to bring along and do this sometime...

Here is the intro to our intentions.


Golden Light.

I had a kids' shoot this evening and as I was backing up the images, this one really stood out. The lighting was so beautiful at the end of the day. Images like this keep me coming back for more :-) God is Good.

We were waiting for their little sister, so I just snapped this when I saw them.

PS - I am behind on blogging and will be catching up soon. Also davidburkekids.com will be making it's debut VERY SOON!



The SOLDIERS, originally uploaded by burkedt.

A peek at the boys from Halloween. Soldiers of Fortune.