He cried the whole time we were outside too! So I snapped a few. Turns out, he was hungry and wanted a banana. Poor guy, how tramatic. He is smiling now!
Better Days
Brayden has seen better days! I had to post these. He was screaming at the front door, so I assumed he wanted to go outside. We grabbed his favorite toy, a football, and headed out. I grabbed the camera too because there was still a little bit of light left outside to make his blue eyes glow :-).
He cried the whole time we were outside too! So I snapped a few. Turns out, he was hungry and wanted a banana. Poor guy, how tramatic. He is smiling now!

He cried the whole time we were outside too! So I snapped a few. Turns out, he was hungry and wanted a banana. Poor guy, how tramatic. He is smiling now!
Lifestyle Family Shoot
I did sneak a shoot in over Christmas! I was commissioned to capture this family while everyone was in town, so what a better time than Christmas. We had a great time. The two little ones were weary of the camera at first but eventually warmed up to it. They definitely preferred my style of shooting :-) We were trying to get everyone together for a 'formal' shot and that is when the fun began! I did manage to snap a few of everyone together. They are priceless! I love capturing people, especially children, exactly how they are. Sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are grumpy, but all in all it is wonderful way to look back over the years and remember exactly how they were on that day! Here are a few to check out!

Christmas Mishaps
Have you (those of you that have children) ever noticed that when it comes to Christmas time, one or more of the kids has a mishap? By mishap I mean something that will 'stand out' in all of the Christmas pictures. This time of year brings all of the cameras out and everyone is snapping away. Well, this year, 2 out of the three boys has had a mishap in the past two days.
Firstly, yesterday Brayden was coming around the corner and tripped. This caused him to fly face first into the corner of the wall. Luckily he walked away with only a little scrape and some blood. :-) Boo Boo Bunny took care of him and he was OK. However it left him with this on his cheek.

Then today, Christian decided to go into our bathroom and grab my beard trimmer. He decided to give himself a haircut! This is the result.

Brayden's face will heal and I gave Christian a total Buzz with the Clippers on #3 so it evened it out a bit. It will be great to look back on 2006 Christmas Pictures and see these gems.
Damon has not had a mishap as of yet. If he does, I will post it! Merry Christmas!!!
Firstly, yesterday Brayden was coming around the corner and tripped. This caused him to fly face first into the corner of the wall. Luckily he walked away with only a little scrape and some blood. :-) Boo Boo Bunny took care of him and he was OK. However it left him with this on his cheek.
Then today, Christian decided to go into our bathroom and grab my beard trimmer. He decided to give himself a haircut! This is the result.
Brayden's face will heal and I gave Christian a total Buzz with the Clippers on #3 so it evened it out a bit. It will be great to look back on 2006 Christmas Pictures and see these gems.
Damon has not had a mishap as of yet. If he does, I will post it! Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas!
Hey everybody! I am sorry for not blogging lately. We have been really busy, winding down and prepping for our Christmas! We have been taking a little time to ourselves and to focus on our boys. We hope you all are doing well and have a Very Merry Christmas! We will be sure to post some of our Christmas fun.
The Sarniaks
On Saturday, Bridget and I had a very special photo shoot scheduled.
First, a little background: The Sarniak Family (from our church) recently added their 3rd child, a boy named Christian, to their family. They already have 2 daughters, Taylor and Lauren. At about 20 weeks into Kim's pregnancy, with Christian, they discovered that he had Trisomy 18. Trisomy 18 means that there are 3 #18 chromosomes, which causes many complications. Kim and Bill were faced with a decision that nobody wants to make. Through prayerful consideration, they chose life and for things to progress naturally.
Knowing this for the remainder of the pregnancy was difficult because the Doctors did not expect Christian to be born. If he was born, he was not expected to live more than a few days.... Well, Christian was born on November 18 and is now 3 weeks old! He is truly a little miracle and has brought so many people together to support this wonderful family. The outpouring of love and support has been amazing. I always believe that God works for the good in ALL things, and although we may not understand, he is definately in charge.
Bridget had met Kim before and we prayed for them often. Shortly after he was born we decided that we really wanted to offer our services as a gift to them. We wanted to capture their family, in the 'day in the life' style that we love. Bridget contacted Kim and she was very happy to have us over. It was such a pleasure meeting all 5 of them. They are such a wonderful family and their strength and faith is amazing. We can all learn from this family!
Well, we accomplished what we set out to do. We spent a few hours with them and captured all of them. We are going to make a beautiful album for them to keep forever.
Thank you Kim, Bill, Taylor, Lauren and Christian for allowing us to come into your home. We are so lucky to know you and have you in our lives. Whether Christian is here for a little while or a long while, he has made a HUGE impact on so many of our lives. God Bless Him!!!
I ask all of you, family, friends, clients and blog readers to please keep this family in your prayers and keep in mind just how precious life is.
Enjoy the pictures:

First, a little background: The Sarniak Family (from our church) recently added their 3rd child, a boy named Christian, to their family. They already have 2 daughters, Taylor and Lauren. At about 20 weeks into Kim's pregnancy, with Christian, they discovered that he had Trisomy 18. Trisomy 18 means that there are 3 #18 chromosomes, which causes many complications. Kim and Bill were faced with a decision that nobody wants to make. Through prayerful consideration, they chose life and for things to progress naturally.
Knowing this for the remainder of the pregnancy was difficult because the Doctors did not expect Christian to be born. If he was born, he was not expected to live more than a few days.... Well, Christian was born on November 18 and is now 3 weeks old! He is truly a little miracle and has brought so many people together to support this wonderful family. The outpouring of love and support has been amazing. I always believe that God works for the good in ALL things, and although we may not understand, he is definately in charge.
Bridget had met Kim before and we prayed for them often. Shortly after he was born we decided that we really wanted to offer our services as a gift to them. We wanted to capture their family, in the 'day in the life' style that we love. Bridget contacted Kim and she was very happy to have us over. It was such a pleasure meeting all 5 of them. They are such a wonderful family and their strength and faith is amazing. We can all learn from this family!
Well, we accomplished what we set out to do. We spent a few hours with them and captured all of them. We are going to make a beautiful album for them to keep forever.
Thank you Kim, Bill, Taylor, Lauren and Christian for allowing us to come into your home. We are so lucky to know you and have you in our lives. Whether Christian is here for a little while or a long while, he has made a HUGE impact on so many of our lives. God Bless Him!!!
I ask all of you, family, friends, clients and blog readers to please keep this family in your prayers and keep in mind just how precious life is.
Enjoy the pictures:
Laurie + Bill get married
You may remember Laurie and Bill from their engagement shoot a few months ago. We had a great time that day and created an awesome engagement guestbook for their wedding day. Friday was the big day! Low and behold, it was an all evening affair with extremely cold temperatures! We were up for the challenge and had a great time with everyone. After the ceremony we headed outside for some fun shots with Laurie and Bill alone. They were absolute troopers, enduring the frigid winds. Bridget and I were freezing too :-) It was so much fun and we got some really different shots. This wedding was unique because it was all in the evening, so we had very different circumstances to shoot in. It is always fun to do something different.
We want to thank Laurie and Bill, as well as their families, for having us join them on their special day. We truly are blessed to have been a part of it. This wedding concludes our 2006 wedding season! Thank you guys!!! This has been an Awesome first year for us. We cannot thank everyone enough for all of the special memories we were enabled to capture. God Bless you all!
Now it is time to relax and gear up for next year.
Here are some pics from Friday:
Diamonds from Bill

Finishing Touches


The Groom

Here comes the wind!

The ceremony

Keeping Warm

The Happiest Man in the World!

First Dance
We want to thank Laurie and Bill, as well as their families, for having us join them on their special day. We truly are blessed to have been a part of it. This wedding concludes our 2006 wedding season! Thank you guys!!! This has been an Awesome first year for us. We cannot thank everyone enough for all of the special memories we were enabled to capture. God Bless you all!
Now it is time to relax and gear up for next year.
Here are some pics from Friday:
Diamonds from Bill
Finishing Touches
The Groom
Here comes the wind!
The ceremony
Keeping Warm
The Happiest Man in the World!
First Dance
This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting Taylor and Syndey. We had some fun, in light of the extremely windy and cold weather! We had been spoiled all week with weather in the 60's! Then... Reality hit us with cold. O-Well, it won't be long now and we will be basking in the sun again getting right back in to the heat of wedding season. I can't wait!
Here are a few pics:

Here are a few pics:
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